King's Business - 1967-06


Concerned abou t your HIGH

Hans E. Josephsen, has been appoint­ ed as head of the newly established COLLEGIATE DIVISION of the American Tract Society. The ap­ pointment marks the beginning of a special effort by ATS to effectively communicate the Gospel to the soar­ ing student population of the United States and Canada. Over half of the U.S. population is under 27 years of age, reports ATS. Mr. Josephsen has a background in evangelism and has occupied several pastorates. He was also assistant director of the Sermons from Science pavilion dur­ ing the two years they were shown at the New York World’s Fair. Horace L. Fenton, Jr., general direc­ tor of the Latin American Mission, has announced the Mission’s estab­ lishment of a new office of world­ wide evangelism-in-depth. This ven­ ture has come in response to in­ quiries and requests for help from more than thirty countries outside Latin America. The new office will communicate in-depth-evangelism principles, and will help in training personnel for evangelism and in planting large scale evangelism ef­ forts. J. Edward Smith, international direc­ tor of the Pocket Testament League, has announced that more than 600,- 000 Vietnamese Gospels have been distributed to Vietnamese Christians and U.S. Military Chaplains. Mr. and Mr*. Garth Hunt, C. & M.A. mission­ aries. assigned to PTL since 1965 have been working with Vietnamese assistants to supply the need.

participate in the summer mission­ ary project since its beginning in 1958. Upon completion of their classes in June, students will travel to their assignments in 15 countries. The project is designed to benefit the missionaries visited as well as to offer practical training to the stu­ dents who participate.


Here’s Help! Excitingly NEW High School lesson material is on the way . . . starts with January quarter. Closes the “ generation gap” in communica­ tions! Send for FREE brochure. Or visit your Christian Bookstore. SCRIPTURE PRESS Scripture Press Publications, ine. Wheaton, Iflinois 60187 ALPINE INDIAN VILLAGE Vacancy for Churches Available dates: June 19-24; July 18-23; July 24-29 Located one mile high in the San Bernar­ dino Mountains in a lovely wooded area and surrounded by beautiful trees. Only three miles from Arrowhead. Call or write ALPINE COVENANT CONFERENCE GROUNDS Box 155 Blue Jay, California 92317 (714) 337-1416

Dr. Bert Turner (left), evangelist and founder of Rose Garden Village, Riverside, meets with General Dwight D. Elsenhower in the latter’s Indio home. The Southern C a lifo rn ia Christian retirement center was the first development constructed with federal loan funds of over one mil­ lion dollars. The organization is now planning a two million dollar expan­ sion program which -will provide fa­ cilities including convalescent and life care. Rev. Mr. Turner’s desire is to provide an area for mission­ aries and ministers upon their re­ tirement. The Christian Camp and Conference Association International held its third bi-ennial convention on April 17 through 20 at Asilomar Confer­ ence Grounds near Pacific Grove in the Monterey Peninsula of Northern California. The speakers included Coach Harvey Chrouser, Director of Athletics at Wheaton College; Young Life’s National Field Director, Bob Mitchell, of Colorado Springs; Miss Kathy Nicoll of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, and Cal Morash, a recrea­ tion director at San Fernando State College. There were workshops, semi­ nars, and various meetings all geared to the campus program. Dr. Roy B. Zuck, Executive Director of Scripture Press Foundation, has returned from a six-week assignment in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He visited missionaries and conducted Christian Education Con­ ferences for missionaries and nation­ als in Africa. He traveled with Rev. William Warner of TEAM literature missionary in Rhodesia. Mr. and Mrs. Warner have adapted a n d

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship CAMPS for young Nationals. COUNSELING University Students. CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOLS in the vernacular.

Member I.F.M .A . W rite for Free Literature 107-K North Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187


A PTL Gospal hit Just bMn presented to Para- Military, one of the key guards hi the heart et VC territory. The Plain of the Reads. Wheaton College has selected 35 stu­ dents for summer missionary work. This represents the largest group to

Box A

Flagstaff, Arizona




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