The college that is distinctly Christian . . . feels compelled to instruct the stu dent in the message and obligations of the Word of God. A ll education purports to equip man fo r a more productive and useful life. Whether the stu dent is acquiring the principles and. skills o f an “ art,” is probing the knowledge and hypothesis o f a “ science,” or is mastering the demands o f a spe cific vocation, he is involved in education. Neither the Christian nor secular institution can claim that it ajone qualifies man fo r a useful place in society. The minister o f Christian education and the public school teacher equally profit from and need formal education. The Bible college, Institute o f Tech nology, and Liberal Arts College all rightly main tain that they are significant segments o f higher education; all prepare students fo r a meaningful life in their chosen vocation. The college that is distinctly Christian, how ever, is not satisfied just to acquaint the student with the usual smattering o f general education courses and specific subjects and experiences de manded by his major program. It feels compelled to instruct the student in the message and obliga tions o f the Word o f God and to confront him with demands o f the Lordship o f Jesus Christ. This is the Christian institution’s crucial distinctive. Ideally, the student majoring, fo r example, in Eng lish in a Christian college is not merely studying a field or preparing fo r life in general; he is also becoming an informed and dedicated Christian. To many this smacks o f indoctrination, but spiritual commitment and Biblical study is at once the genius and peculiarity o f the Christian institution. Remove the disciplined instruction in the Bible and you destroy the particular species o f education that we are considering. I f it is an educational lia bility, it is not without its Biblical assets. Further, its disciplined instruction is frankly admitted and proudly proclaimed; this openness, at any rate, is more palatable than the thinly concealed indoctri nation that any student o f motivation can readily
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