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It wasn’t until hundreds of years later in the 1500s that the peach made its way to the Americas. It was brought to North America by Spanish explorers. Interestingly enough, the peach wasn’t introduced to England and France until the 1600s. As the peach gained popularity, it became a status symbol. It was difficult to get, which drove the price up. But it wasn’t long until the peach found its way into the American colonies where even Thomas Jefferson planted peach trees around his estate, Monticello. But back then, it wasn’t being broadly or commercially cultivated. On top of being difficult to get, peaches spoiled easily. Anyone who has had peaches can attest: Fresh peaches don’t last long once they’re harvested. Because of this, peaches remained expensive until the 1800s when the growing U.S. population began providing more opportunities to take this fragile fruit to market. In response, farmers began planting peach groves in many eastern states — which have temperate climates, ideal weather for a long peach season — to make a profit. While peaches can be grown anywhere in the United States, the best peaches come from temperate states, like Georgia, which is why it’s nicknamed “The Peach State.” This summer, as you bite into a sweet, juicy peach, you’ll know that single piece of fruit comes with a history that spans the globe and several millennia.
Does It Feel Like Your Customers Are Ignoring You?
Franklin? Did your biology teacher regale you with stories of their trip to the Galapagos? Chances are when someone has your attention, it’s because they’re telling a story, and StoryBrand teaches you how to use stories to do the same for your business. At its core, every story contains a hero, something the hero desires, an obstacle the hero must overcome, and a guide who helps the hero on their journey. These are elements you can utilize in your messaging. To do so effectively, your business must address three crucial questions:
What if one small shift in your messaging could change the way you do business and make you more successful? No, it won’t cost you thousands of dollars in your marketing budget. In fact, it will save
you money in the long run because it will make your marketing more effective. Though it may not feel easy at first, this simple shift accomplishes a big task: It makes your customer, not your business, the star of your advertising. That’s the concept behind StoryBrand, a marketing framework developed by author Donald Miller that has changed the game for thousands of companies. StoryBrand helps businesses clarify their message by making them answer the crucial question of how their company will help customers survive and thrive. As Miller has figured out, the easiest, most engaging way for humans to digest information is in the form of a story. Think about some of your favorite high school teachers. Did they spice up a lecture about American history with anecdotes of George Washington or Benjamin
1. What does the hero (your customer) want?
2. Who or what is opposing the hero’s journey to get what they want?
3. What will the hero’s life look like if they do (or do not) get what they want?
By recognizing your customer’s journey and positioning them as the hero and your company as their guide, you can create messaging they actually hear rather than marketing that simply sounds like the rest of the noise out there. Learn more about the StoryBrand process at StoryBrand.com.
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