$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5 r $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : DES BINES ET ENCORE PLUS À PLANTAGENET
Don’t forget to smile
Nicholas Fournier, DD
Sex, Food and Dentures
The link between sex and dentures is an interesting one. When we think about the most important pleasures in life, we tend to rank sex first, followed closely by food. Food is such a staple in our everyday life: from our morning breakfast to snacks and lunch, followed by the anticipation that comes with getting home and enjoying a delicious meal with family and friends. We create events, rituals and celebrations around food. Food is vital to us all, regardless of its various forms and diets. It is easier to alter a smoking habit than an eating habit—that’s how ingrained our eating patterns are. Food is one of the most pleasurable and comforting things in our lives, ranking very close to sex. However, many believe that sex trumps it all (a sentiment that varies with age). Moreover, engaging in sexual acts, much like eating food, is a very primal behaviour and is often driven by hormones and emotion. That being said, what is the connection to dentures? Well, if you ask someone who has all their teeth not to eat certain foods, they would be very disappointed by that reality: it would hinder their well-being and they would crave the foods they can’t eat. This is precisely the feeling that people with dentures get accustomed to. Bite into an apple? Not anymore. Savour a flavourful steak? Maybe, but with great difficulty. As we get older and sex becomes a less significant part of our lives, our oral health also starts to deteriorate, and we end up asking ourselves, “What are we living for? What pleasures are still available to us?” It is no wonder that I have patients in their 90s coming to see me for dental implants. Often, they can no longer partake in the many pleasures they have grown accustomed to, and all that they long for is to eat comfortably—savouring every bite—later on in life. Although I often wonder why these patients waited so long to get this necessary procedure done, I can understand that it would not have been a priority for many of them. Luckily, with dental implants, patients can reclaim control over what they eat and how they eat it: they regain their ability to bite into an apple or to chew steak, just like they used to do with their natural teeth. At this stage in life, a new set of dental implants can take precedence over many desires, such as sexual activity, because it brings back so many pleasures tied to food. In sum, not having to worry about what foods one can or cannot eat can significantly increase one’s happiness and sense of well-being.
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La huitième édition du Festival de la bine de Plantagenet a accueilli plus de 8000 visiteurs, un nombre record selon son président Alain Lapensée. « Nous avons accueilli un nombre record de gens cette année », a-t-il fait valoir. Plusieurs résidents de la région et d’ailleurssont venus profiter des activités et déguster des bines. Ci- dessus, Sophie Kaisin et Joëlle Larabie, représentant Les Finsbecs. — photo Francis Racine
Pour la toute première fois, le festival était l’hôte d’une compétition de femmes fortes. « Notre compétition de femmes fortes et d’hommes forts a attiré plus de 1000 personnes », a relaté Alain Lapensée. Ci-dessus, on reconnait la gagnante, Tracy Halladay de la Saskatchewan. —photo fournie
Les hommes forts du Canada ont défilé au Festival de la bine encore une fois cette année. Ceux-ci ont su éblouir la foule par leurs prouesses. « Nous allons tenir la compétition d`hommes forts encore une fois l’année prochaine », a déclaré Alain Lapensée. Ci-dessus, on reconnait plusieurs de ces hommes forts. — photo fournie
Vous voulez être impliqués dans les Soins Palliatifs. Faire une différence dans la vie de quelqu’un. Devenez bénévole pour nos Programmes de Soins Palliatifs. Nous offrons une formation complète Would you like to be involved in Palliative Care? Make a difference in someone’s life. Become a volunteer for our Palliative Care Programs. We offer a complete training.
Pour la première fois cette année, les visiteurs ont pu profiter d’une tyrolienne de 600 pieds. — photo fournie
Info sessions 4, 11, 18 Oct. 2018
à/at 6:30 pm, Hawkesbury
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