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Wendover club l’aigle d’Or. Souper à tous les 3e jeudis du mois (20 septembre), au Centre Lucien Delorme ÆI/PVWFBVYNFNCSFTTPOUMFT CJFOWFOVT*OGPSNBUJPO4V[BOOF%JPOBV 613-673-5704. Souper fèves au lard et macaroni -FT$IFWBMJFSTEF$PMPNCEF3PDLMBOE PSHBOJTFOUVOTPVQFSEFGÍWFTBVMBSEFU macaroni le 21 septembre prochain, de IÆI BV$MVC1PXFST*OGPSNB - tion : 613-299-1942. Fish & Chips Night St. Andrews’ Fellowship and Ad Mare Food Truck are pleased to invite everyone to a Fish & Chips Night on Friday, Sep- tember 21 from 5:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Eat here or take out. First come, first served. All are welcome AGA Centre-Novas CALACS L’assemblée générale annuelle du $FOUSF/PWBT$"-"$4GSBODPQIPOFEF 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM BVSB MJFV MF KFVEJ septembre de 18h à 20h au Mictrotel Inn & Suites, 17, rue Industriel, Casselman. $FUUFBTTFNCMÊFFTUQVCMJRVF5PVUFGPJT TFVMTMFTNFNCSFTFOSÍHMFEV$FOUSF /PWBT$"-"$4GSBODPQIPOFEF1SFTDPUU 3VTTFMMPOUESPJUEFWPUF*OGPSNBUJPOBV 613-764-5700 / 1-866-772-9922. Le Club Fil d’Argent Le Club Fil d’Argent organise une sortie Æ.POUSÊBMQPVSWJTJUFSMFjø+BSEJOCPUB - OJRVFøvFUMFjø'FTUJWBMEFTMVNJÍSFTøvMF samedi 29 septembre. Départ de l’aréna +FBO.BSD -BMPOEF 1PVS SÊTFSWBUJPO +FBOJOF#B[JOFUBV Maison de la famille -B.BJTPOEFMBGBNJMMFEF3PDLMBOE PGGSJSBMBUFMJFSEBOJNBUJPOQPVSMBGBNJMMF jø#PVUEFDIPVYøvFOTFQUFNCSF $FUBUFMJFSPGGSFBVYFOGBOUTEFBOTMB possibilité d’acquérir les habiletés néces- saires dans tous les domaines de leur EÊWFMPQQFNFOU1PVSQMVTEJOGPSNBUJPOø 613-446-4220. Fille d’Isabelle La réunion de Filles d’Isabelle cercle EF3PDLMBOEBVSBMJFVNBSEJMF octobre à 19 h, au Club Powers. Murder Mystery Supper 5IF $VNCFSMBOE -JPOT GVOESBJTFS i.VSEFSBU4QFBLFBTZuTVQQFSTPJSÊF XJMMUBLFQMBDFPO0DUPCFS BU.BQMF )BMM 0ME.POUSFBM3E%PPSTPQFO QNXJUIEJOOFSQN*OGPSNBUJPO 3PMMBOEFBUPSFNBJMJOGP! cumberlandlions.ca. L’artisanat Sainte-Trinité L’artisanat Sainte-Trinité reprend ses ac- UJWJUÊTMFTFQUFNCSFÆIBVTPVTTPMEF MÊHMJTFÆ3PDLMBOE/PVWFBVQSPHSBNNF DPVST OPVWFMMFTBDUJWJUÊT TPJSÊFT FUD6O OPVWFBVDPNJUÊWPVTZBUUFOE#JFOWFOVF à toutes les dames et jeunes filles de 16 ans et plus. Pour renseignement: Denise Lorrain au 613-446-4597. Comptoir familial Le Partage -F $PNQUPJS GBNJMJBM -F 1BSUBHF EF #PVSHFUUJFOUTPOBTTFNCMÊFHÊOÊSBMF annuelle (AGA) le 22 octobre à 13h, à la sacristie de l’église Sacré-Coeur de #PVSHFU5PVTTPOUMFTCJFOWFOVT communautaire community link Le lien The
Les patineurs du parc Richelieu-Grande-Rivière devront attendre une autre année avant d’obtenir de nouvelles bandes de patinoire. Le conseil municipal a autorisé les Services communautaires à utiliser les 30 000 $ consacrés au remplacement des bandes de patinoire du parc Richelieu- Grande-Rivière pour le remplacement des bandes de patinoire du parc de Hammond. Rappelons que 30 000 $ avaient été mis de côté lors du budget 2018 afin de remplacer les bandes de patinoire en bois du parc Richelieu-Grande-Rivière par un système de bandes en aluminium et en plastique. Les Services communautaires présenteront donc un nouveau projet lors du processus budgétaire 2019. —photo Francis Racine
Ontario Power Generation Inc. has applied to recover certain account balances and to raise its payment amounts. Learn more. Have your say. Ontario Power Generation Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to recover, over a three-year period, the 2017 year-end balances in certain deferral and variance accounts related to its nuclear generating facilities and most of its hydroelectric generating facilities beginning on January 1, 2019. Ontario Power Generation Inc. has also applied to increase the amount it charges for the output of most of its hydroelectric generating facilities for 2019 using an Ontario Energy Board-approved formula that is tied to inflation and other factors intended to promote efficiency. If the application is approved as filed, Ontario Power Generation Inc. has calculated that the monthly bill for a typical residential customer would increase by $1.39 in 2019 and by $0.06 in 2020, and decrease by $0.29 in 2021. These amounts do not reflect any impact of the Fair Hydro Plan. Other customers, including businesses, will also be affected. The balances in some deferral and variance accounts will continue to be recovered in future years but the recovery mechanism will be determined in a future proceeding. THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will hold a public hearing to consider Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s request. We will determine whether the company has used the applicable formulas required by the OEB and whether to approve Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s request to recover the balances in the deferral and variance accounts. We will also hear questions and arguments from individuals and groups that represent consumers of electricity. At the end of this hearing, the OEB will decide what, if any, increase will be allowed. The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost. BE INFORMED AND HAVE YOUR SAY You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the process. • You can review Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s application on the OEB’s website now. • You can file a letter with your comments, which will be considered during the hearing. • You can become an active participant (called an intervenor). Apply by October 3, 2018 or the hearing will go ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of the proceeding. • At the end of the process, you can review the OEB’s decision and its reasons on our website. LEARN MORE These payment amounts relate to generation from Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s nuclear facilities and most of its hydroelectric facilities. They make up part of the Electricity line on your bill. Our file number for this case is EB-2018-0243. To learn more about this hearing, find instructions on how to file letters or become an intervenor, or to access any document related to this case, please enter the file number EB-2018-0243 on the OEB website: www.oeb.ca/participate. You can also phone our Public Information Office at 1-877-632-2727 with any questions. ORAL VS. WRITTEN HEARINGS There are two types of OEB hearings – oral and written. Ontario Power Generation Inc. has applied for a written hearing. The OEB is considering this request. If you think an oral hearing is needed, you can write to the OEB to explain why by October 3, 2018. PRIVACY If you write a letter of comment, your name and the content of your letter will be put on the public record and the OEB website. However, your personal telephone number, home address and email address will be removed. If you are a business, all your information will remain public. If you apply to become an intervenor, all information will be public. This hearing will be held under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Schedule B).
Ontario Energy Board
Commission de l’énergie de l’Ontario
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