Back to court
ROCKLAND | Both Mayor Marcel Guibord and the City of Clarence-Rockland may now have to face their former city admin- istrator in civil court. Daniel Gatien has filed a legal action against the mayor and the city relating to items published on the city’s website in July. Mayor Marcel Guibord has confirmed receiving notice of the legal suit but has little more to say other than the city’s insur- ance broker has also been notified about the situation. Council discussed the matter during its in-camera session Oct. 21 prior to the regular public session. On July 12 the municipal website dis- played several documents concerning agreements between the city and Gatien prior to his resignation in 2011, accompa- nied by a letter from the mayor to residents of Clarence-Rockland. In his letter the may- or stated that the documents contained sufficient proof to raise serious concerns about the way public funds were handled. Gatien told the Vision that he filed the lawsuit out of concern for his reputation. He had sent the city a demand to remove the documents and the letter by the end of August but they were still available on the municipal website as of Oct. 21. The lawsuit states that publishing the documents contravenes a non-disclosure agreement between the city and Gatien over the terms of his resignation and that the mayor’s comments in the letter are de- famatory. When the documents and letter first ap- peared on the website, Michel Bellemare, the current city administrator, got two legal opinions regarding the contents. In both cases the recommendation was that the documents and letter could leave the city open to a lawuit and that both should be removed. The items were deleted but then the mayor had them put back on the web- site. ALEXANDRIA | Being middle-class is like being part of a dying breed in the mod- ern world. Liberal partisans in Glengarry- Prescott-Russell hope they can do some- thing about it. The Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Federal Liberal Association hosts an evening work- shop presentation Nov. 21 on the topic of Canada’s shrinking middle-class sector. The presentation is 7 p.m. at the Island Park Community Centre. An October 2012 federal report stated the middle-class sector in Canada saw income growth of about seven per cent average between the time period of 1976 and 2010. That percentage is adjusted for inflation. That averages out to 0.2 per cent a year of increased income for middle-class work- ers and their families during a 35-year pe- riod. By comparison, the same period saw the upper-income bracket experience a combined 38 per cent increase in revenue. That overall Canadian average, covering all income sectors in the country, was 18 per cent for the same 35-year period. Local Liberals look at the middle-class
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