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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 CHARGE D’ASSAUT Un homme de Clarence-Rockland devra répondre devant le tribunal d’une accusation de voies de fait à la suite d’une dispute familiale survenue à North Stormont au début du mois. La police a été appelée à une propriété de la rue Sabourin peu avant 9 h le 6 avril. Les agents ont allégué qu’un homme adulte avait frappé un membre de la famille sur les lieux. L’homme de 58 ans a été accusé d’agression. WASTE DAY CANCELLED A hazardous waste collection day scheduled for next month in Russell Township has been cancelled due to the province’s stay-at-home order. The event was due to be held on May 6, but was cancelled to prevent a gathering at the site. An additional day will be added to the scheduled collection event in fall, which will run on October 15 and 16.
Les vaccins AstraZeneca sont disponibles pour les personnes âgées de 40 ans et plus en Ontario, tandis que des cliniques mobiles ont débuté dans toute la région. — photo d’archives
STEPHEN JEFFERY stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
pour 2 personnes ou plus économix MD for 2 people or more
Residents aged 40 and over are eligible to book appointments for the AstraZeneca vaccine in pharmacies, as eastern Ontario’s case count continues to climb. From Tuesday, those born in 1981 or earlier were eligible to book appointments at pharmacies for their first dose of the vaccine. Previously, the vaccine was available only to those aged 55 and over. So far, pharmacies administering the dose in the area include 1IBSNBDJF+FBO$PVUVJO)BXLFTCVSZ &N - CSVO3FNFEZT3Y BOE8BMNBSU1IBSNBDZ in Rockland. The pharmacy bookings were available in addition to the mass vaccination clin- ics for those aged 60 and over being held in Hawkesbury, Rockland and Casselman. 5IF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 administered almost 10,000 doses last week, with another eight clinics with 1000 doses each to be held this week. Mobile clinics have been set up through Prescott-Russell for home and congregate care visits. A pop-up clinic was also set up JO&NCSVO MBTUXFFL XJUIBOPUIFSDMJOJD expected this week. The ramp up of the vaccine effort contin- VFEBTUIF$07*%DBTFDPVOUDPOUJOVFE to rise in the region. Another 109 cases were recorded over the weekend, pushing UIF&0)6BSFBBDUJWFDBTFOVNCFSBCPWF 500 for the first time since January. &0)6.FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUI%S1BVM Roumeliotis said variants of concern had been responsible for the increase in cases, but said the count appeared to be stabiliz- ing. “Hopefully this is the two-week period QPTU&BTUFSXIFSFXFSFTUBSUJOHUPTFFUIF numbers go down,” he said. “People’s mobil- ity was high and that correlates directly with numbers of cases.” Outbreaks Two outbreaks at the Hawkesbury and %JTUSJDU(FOFSBM)PTQJUBMXFSFEFDMBSFEPWFS on Saturday. A predominantly staff-affected outbreak was reported at Caressant Care /VSTJOH)PNF JO#PVSHFUBOE3FTJEFODF St-Mathieu in Hammond. The region 0GUIFDBTFTBDUJWFBDSPTTUIFSFHJPO on Monday, 233 were in Prescott-Russell communities, including 68 in Clarence- Rockland, 31 in Hawkesbury, 31 in Russell, 28 in Casselman, 26 in Champlain, 25 in 5IF/BUJPO JO"MGSFE1MBOUBHFOFU BOE JO&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ
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