DANCING with SOLIDARITY The Case for Boycotting Batsheva and Gaga by BYDANCERS FOR PALESTINE by DANCERS FOR PALESTINE A s organizers with Dancers for Palestine, we’ve spent the last year urging our field to embrace the power of art and culture to advance the cause of freedom, dignity, and self- determination for Palestine. We support a variety of tactics, including direct action, creative resistance, legislative advocacy, organized labor, and Boycott,
Not Another Bomb Protest, NY, Aug 2024
Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS). Through our relationships with experienced Palestinian organizers, we have come to under- stand the critical importance of BDS and its cultural component, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boy- cott of Israel (PACBI). We therefore must address the complic- ity of Israel’s most internationally dominant dance institutions, Batsheva Dance Company and the closely affiliated Gaga Move- ment, especially in light of Batsheva’s upcoming world tour.
Initiated in 2005 by a broad coali- tion of Palestinian civil society groups and modeled after anti-Apartheid boycotts in South Africa, BDS has increasingly been embraced by human rights advocates worldwide, including a growing number of Israelis. 1 Unfor- tunately, despite its liberal reputation,
Batsheva has repeatedly refused to dis- avow its role as “cultural ambassador” for the Israeli state and commit to Palestinian liberation. 2 We recognize that members of the dance field often feel conflicted about boycotting dance organizations. We hope that the following analysis can
1 Palestinians, Jews, citizens of Israel, join the Palestinian call for a BDS campaign against Israel
2 Open letter to the Batsheva Dance Company, January 19, 2017
in dance WINTER 2025 20
WINTER 2025 in dance 21
In Dance | May 2014 | dancersgroup.org
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