Whole Life + Accidental Death bundled sales Boost coverage up to 5X for elevated-risk clients with no additional effort!
Whole Life + Accidental Death: 2 products, 1 sale
Boost coverage up to 5X ● Now, every time your client applies for TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life, an offer for up to $400K in Accidental Death, issued by Mutual of Omaha, will be added to the sale by default. ● If your client accepts the offer, the two policies will be sold together and issued instantly, with no additional underwriting.
Boosted coverage with Accidental Death
TruStage product
Max coverage
TruStage Advantage Whole Life Insurance $100K
Up to $500K total
A win for you and your clients
Key client benefit: More coverage
Key agent benefit: More comp
Clients with an elevated risk profile can find it a challenge to get as much coverage as they need. Accidental Death coverage can provide significant additional protection for loss of life due to a covered accident. TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life coverage: $100K Accidental Death: up to $500K total coverage
Agents can now increase sales to elevated-risk clients with significantly higher face amounts, in a single bundled sale with no additional underwriting.
Total coverage comped before: $100K Total coverage comped now: Up to $500K
Product comparison
See Field Underwriting Guide for full specs
TruStage Advantage Whole Life
Accidental Death
Lifetime whole life coverage (as long as premiums are paid) Eligibility to age 70, guaranteed renewable to age 80
Cash value
No cash value
$100K coverage max
$400K coverage max
Simplified issue application
Guaranteed issue
Death benefit paid when covered loss of life occurs
Death benefit paid if death occurs due to covered accident
Age max: 85
Age max: 70, guaranteed renewable to age 80
Key changes
Quote results page
The bundled offer defaults to $200K of Accidental Death coverage.
Choose desired coverage level, or
unclick the checkbox to continue the sale with TruStage Advantage Whole Life only. Youʼll have the option to edit coverage again later.
Review quotes
Add beneficiaries
Final look page
For full bundled sales resources:
Two separate payments ● Accidental Death: Comp released the business day following the policy status change to Premium Paying ○ Payment is settled to the agent (if the agent is paid by Ethos directly) or agency (if otherwise) the business day thereafter. ● TruStage Advantage Whole Life: Comp released the business day following the policy status change to Premium Paying. Ethos holds the transition of policy status to Premium Paying for 5 days from the payment date that was selected. ○ Note: If the payment date selected is on a weekend, payment will be processed on the next business day. ○ Payment is settled to the agent (if the agent is paid by Ethos directly) or agency (if otherwise) the business day thereafter. Comp details ● If paid directly by Ethos, go to your Earnings tab in the agent portal ● If paid by your agency, ask your upline or comp team Lapse ● If one policy lapses, the other policy remains active as long as premium payments are made. Chargebacks will only be assessed on lapsed policies. ● If either policy lapses within the first 6 policy months, a 100% chargeback policy applies to the lapsed policy.
How do I add Accidental Death to a TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life sale? The option to add an Accidental Death policy is checked by default, with a default coverage option of $200K. Increments of $100K, $200K, $300K and $400K are available. Choose the option that works for your client, or unclick the policy addition default box to continue with the sale of TruStage Advantage Whole Life only. What if my client is eligible for TruStage Advantage Whole Life but is over age 70? Clients over 70 are not eligible for this bundled product offer and will be offered only TruStage Advantage Whole LIfe.
Is Accidental Death available with any other products? Not at this time.
Is Accidental Death available as a standalone product? Not at this time.
How is compensation paid? Comp is paid in two separate payments. Accidental Death comp is released the business day following the policy status change to Premium Paying. Payment is settled to the agent (if the agent is paid by Ethos directly) or agency (if otherwise) the business day thereafter. TruStage Advantage Whole Life comp is released the business day following the policy status change to Premium Paying. Ethos holds the transition of policy status to Premium Paying for 5 days from the payment date that was selected. If the payment date selected is on a weekend, payment will be processed on the next business day. Payment is settled to the agent (if the agent is paid by Ethos directly) or agency (if otherwise) the business day thereafter. What happens if one policy lapses? If one policy lapses, the other policy remains active as long as premium payments are made. Chargebacks will only be assessed on lapsed policies. If either policy lapses within the first 6 policy months, a 100% chargeback policy applies to the lapsed policy. Can my client specify different beneficiaries for each product? Beneficiaries are entered once for both products and are common to both. Separate beneficiaries can be set up post-activation by the client in the Ethos member portal.
For agent use only. The information herein is provided solely for educational purposes to provide you with information about products and services offered through Ethos.
Agents are expected to act within the scope of their license and may not sell, solicit or negotiate life insurance unless licensed in the state. Compensation is paid to life licensed agents only.
Any comparison data is for informational use only and was gathered from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. The information herein is provided solely for educational purposes to provide you with information about products and services offered through Ethos.
TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life Insurance is issued by MEMBERS Life Insurance Company. Base Form Numbers: ICC20-WLMLIC, 2020-WLMLIC. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any depository institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters: 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. © TruStage
Accidental Death Insurance is underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. Policy form 50AD-23949 or state equivalent (in FL, 50AD-23954; in ID, 50AD-23991; in NC, 50AD-23955; in NY, 50AD-23980; in OK, 50AD-23972; in OR, 50AD-23987; in PA, 50AD-23965; in TX, 50AD-23952; in WA, 50AD-23979); Rider form ONA3M. These policies contain exclusions and limitations. Product features and benefits may not be available in all states. Contact your licensed Mutual of Omaha Insurance Agent* for costs and complete details. This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The expected benefit ratio for this policy is 50 percent. This ratio is the portion of future premiums which the company expects to return as benefits, when averaged over all people with this policy. THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS. *In OR & WA: producer. © 2025 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at www.ethoslife.com/carriers. Products and their features may not be available in all states. The information and content provided in this email is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. No contract is formed or amended by this presentation
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