January 18-21, 2020 - the DRAA held its first annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebration weekend along with the association’s first meeting in the DR. The weekend events were attended by over 40 Brothers. Also in attendance on a site visit were Southern Province Polemarch Bertram Orum and Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Linnes Finney Jr. February 2020 - The DRAA Board voted to allow additional Brothers and prospective charter members to join the Association while it was undergoing revisions to the petition. April 6, 2020 - The revised petition was submitted to Southern Province Polemarch Orum along with chartering dates of June 27th, July 25th or August 15th, 2020. The revised petition included 81 Brothers, and its approval was contingent on the improved status of the then existing Covid pandemic, approval of the Province Polemarch, International Headquarters (IHQ) and the Grand Board. November 1, 2020 - The final petition was submitted to Southern Polemarch Orum along with a proposal to have a virtual Chartering ceremony take place before the end of the year. 102 Brothers strong were part of the final petition, and it consisted (in part) of:
• 42 Reclaimed Brother
● 44 Life Members
• 22 Expatriates
● 1 Subscribing Life Member
From the time the initial petition was submitted in March 2019, a tremendous amount of time, work and effort was devoted to ensuring that today’s chartering of the Dominican Republic Alumni Association would become a reality. Also, during that time, it is important to note that the DRAA functioned as a fraternity association while complying with all chapter financial and reporting requirements, held monthly meetings, and participated in community service activities. The Dominican Republic Alumni Chapter is being chartered today with 66 chartering members. The membership consists of:
24 Life Members
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1 Subscribing Life Member
22 Expatriates
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