Bait Al Bahr Restaurant Handbook

• Look physically professional & alert

Carrying “back to basics”

• Left hand carry and never reach the customer • Right hand works and reach the customer • Utensils and glasses are always carried on trays or transport plate never directly by hand • If using plates or stain steel trays, cover it with a dolly paper or a napkin • Always use a service cloth to carry hot plates. • Containing dishes should always be placed on plates with dollies or saucers At the guest table “Back to basics” at the guest table • Women are usually served first. • If it is an honorary dinner, the guest of honor is served first. • Otherwise, the age and status of the guest determine the sequence, with older or more distinguished guests served first. • The host is always served by his or her guests • Beverage service • Hold glasses by the foot or stem only. • Glasses are always placed to the right of the guest with the right hand. • Beverages are always poured from the right side of the guest. • A bottle of wine is first presented to the host. Then the bottle is opened, and a small amount is poured out for the host. After the host approves, the guests are served first and the host's glass last. When serving heavy red wines that have been decanted or are in a wine basket, hold the glass, slightly slanted, on the table with left hand and slowly pour out the wine with the right hand, so that the wine sediment is not poured to be glass . Clearing “back to basics” • In elegant service never clear more than four plates at the time • Don’t walk and clear plates in same time • Don’t turn your back to the customer when clearing • Stuck the plate properly and cross the cutlery to avoid droppings • Bread plate, butter, condiments (salt, pepper…), breadcrumbs are always cleared before dessert • Flowers and table decoration remain on the table until the last guest is gone • Never remove the first glass (from the 1 st drink) Before the next one is served.

Safety at work “back to basics

• Ensure to eliminate hazard e.g., water in the floor may cause slip or untangled cable that may cause trip or sharp edges that can cause injury First Aid Items are regular

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