

Cornwall is a hotbed for contraband: Gary Grant FRANCIS RACINE

The spokesman also stresses that the bor- der running from Cornwall all the way to the province of Quebec is often cited as be- ing the most popular destination for smug- glers. “Although the RCMP inspects the St. Law- rence, it’s a long distance to cover,” he said. “Plus the American border is also very close.” According to the NCACT website, orga- nized crime groups use the lucrative trade in contraband tobacco to #nance other, more serious, criminal activities. Contraband to-

CORNWALL | Gary Grant is a man on a mis- sion. The Toronto native is the national spokesperson for the National coalition against contraband tobacco (NCACT). A decorated retired police o!cer with the Toronto Police Service and current direc- tor and founder of Toronto Crime Stop- pers, Grant`s career in policing started in 1968 when he joined the Toronto Police Department. Now, the spokes- man is travelling On- tario, wanting to re- ceive feedback from task forces who are dealing with contra- band. On his stop in Cornwall, he visited The Journal ’s o!ce. “We’re trying to explain to communities that, although contraband may be cheap, it a!ects communities in a bad way,” high- lighted Grant. “Contraband a!ects every- thing from local businesses, governments to youths and facilitates organized crime.”

bacco smuggling is often accompanied by drugs and guns. Contraband tobacco is funding criminal organizations with links to other illegal activity such as #re- arms and drug smug- gling. As of 2011, the RCMP has identi#ed

“We’re trying to explain to communities that, al- though contraband may be cheap, it a!ects communities in a bad way”

Photo Francis Racine

Above, an empty pack of contraband tobacco, obtained by The Journal , sits under a legally purchased pack of cigars.

and threatening the livelihoods of thou- sands of convenience store owners. These contraband cigarettes, which are being smuggled throughout Canada in record numbers, now represent one out of every three cigarettes purchased. With smugglers o!ering tobacco prices as low as $8 per carton versus nearly $90 for legal cigarettes, legitimate retailers are be- ing forced to compete in an unfair playing #eld. This means individual stores are losing

tens of thousands of dollars in sales every year. Contraband cigarettes are being illegally imported from places like China or illegally sold, tens of thousands of cartons each day, right here in Canada. This all happens with absolutely no government inspection, test- ing, oversight or taxation. Canada is there- fore being %ooded with untested, unregu- lated and untaxed cigarettes.

over 175 organized crime groups involved in the tra$cking of contraband tobacco. Lab analysis shows that insect eggs, dead %ies, mould, even human feces have ap- peared in contraband cigarettes. Small businesses According to Grant, contraband ciga- rettes are currently killing small businesses



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Partout au Canada, les familles travaillent fort. Voilà pourquoi le Plan d’action économique du Canada propose de nouvelles mesures fiscales pour aider les familles à élever leurs enfants de façon plus abordable. En voici quelques-unes : • Instaurer la nouvelle baisse d’impôt pour les familles • Bonifier la Prestation universelle pour la garde d’enfants • Augmenter la déduction pour frais de garde d’enfants • Doubler le crédit d’impôt pour la condition physique des enfants

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