Current SFI Options

for small seeds

Name Code Payment/ha

What is required

Current Mix

You must establish and maintain legumes on improved grassland entered into this action. You can use one or more type of legume, such as: • red clover

Legumes on improved grassland

• white clover • alsike clover

AB15 (2 yr. legume fallow)



• sainfoin • lucerne • bird’s foot trefoil

You can establish the legumes by: • adding them to an existing grass sward • sowing a mix of grass and legumes You must establish and maintain a legume fallow on land entered into this action. To establish the legume fallow, you must sow a seed mix containing at least 6 flowering species including legumes. The seed mix can contain legumes such as: • alsike clover • bird’s foot trefoil • black medick • common vetch • lucerne

AB15 (2 yr. legume fallow) / AB1 (Bee mix)


Legume fallow


The seed mix can also include: • non-legume flower species

• grasses, such as cocksfoot or timothy, which can help to control blackgrass

Grassy field

To establish the grassy field corners or blocks you must either sow them or allow the areas to naturally regenerate

Any grass mix



corners or block

*Information correct at time of printing

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