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What is required

Current Mix

You must establish and maintain blocks or strips of pollen and nectar flower mix on land entered into this action. To establish the blocks or strips of pollen and nectar flower mix, you must sow a grass-free seed mix containing at least 6 flower species. A single species must not exceed 50% of the total seed mix by weight. As a minimum, the grass-free seed mix must include at least 2 of the following, all of which can provide pollen and nectar from late spring and over the summer months and are suitable to be grown in all regions of England: • Common knapweed

Pollen and nectar flower mix

AB1 (Bee Mix)



• Musk mallow • Oxeye daisy • Wild carrot • Yarrow

To establish the winter bird food blocks or strips, you must sow a mix of at least 6 crops that will provide an extended supply of small seeds for farmland birds. The mix you sow must not include any of the following crops, because these are not appropriate for the smaller farmland bird species this action is intended to support: • artichokes • reed canary grass • giant and intermediate sorghum • maize

Winter bird food on arable and horticultu ral land

AB9 (any of the Winter bird food mixes)



• miscanthus • sweet clover • tic beans

If you sow an annual mix, it can include a range of cereals, brassicas or other small- seeded crops. If you sow a 2-year mix, it can also include biennial crops such as kale, stubble turnip or teasel.

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