PLC Professional Learning Plan 2022-2025

Alhambra Elementary School District is committed to enriching the life of the whole child in collaboration with families and the greater community. Alhambra ESD promotes a social and global consciousness that encompasses a profound respect for all humanity. In collaboration with Alhambra's diverse stakeholders, Professional Learning Communities (PLC) has been identified as an essential strategy as part of the five-year strategic plan. One of the key characteristics of a Professional Learning Community is a commitment to continuous improvement. The educators within Alhambra Elementary School District understand that to sustain their success and fulfill the commitment to educate every child, implementing high- performing PLCs is a proven strategy. Alhambra's approach in collaboration with Solution Tree will be to build on the existing knowledge and structures within Alhambra Elementary School District and provide support to district and school leadership. This support will ensure leadership teams develop strong foundations in PLC at Work, assessment and RTI practices, and has the tools to monitor team and overall school progress. This document provides recommendations that reflect the goals and objectives expressed in previous conversations as well as the accompanying process detail and corresponding costs. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES

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