Buying a Small Business in the UK - A Quick Reference Guide

Chapter 14 - The 5 Steps to Scale Up Your Acquisition – Paul Avins, The Grown Up Business Coach

For the last year, I've been working with Ken as part of my F12 Mastermind. So, I was very excited that he asked me to contribute a guest chapter to this new book. In this chapter, I'm going to walk you through my proven 5-Step Scale- Up Framework. It's helped my coaching and mastermind clients add millions to the value of the companies they have acquired. It will also save you years of wasted time, energy and money if you apply what I'm about to cover in the next 5 steps. So make sure you have a pen ready, or your phone handy to take notes as we have a lot to cover. Plus look out for the FREE resources I’ve listed at the end of the chapter. Growing a business through acquisitions can be a powerful and lucrative strategy, but what happens when you've taken ownership? How do you start to identify and maximise growth opportunities? Scaling up a business without a proven formula to follow will make it harder to create lasting value and freedom. Without the right proven approach, you are using trial and error which is costly in both time and money. With no guarantee of success but a definite guarantee of stress! Let’s start with the end in mind.


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