This book is dedicated to all those brave souls who feel their calling is to buy a business but have never made it all the way through the process. I wrote this book as I saw so many good people spend months and years trying to fulfil this dream only to see failure after failure after months of hard work, often just on the brink of closing their first deal. This part is understandable…the merger and acquisitions game is hard, very hard. And beyond that, there are many misconceptions and false expectations about what it takes to get the right deal over the line. This book is designed to be a starting point for new Buyers to at least have a foundational understanding of the process and many challenges they may encounter. The book is meant to be used as a companion guide while working with Transworld M&A and letting us manage your first transaction. The book is not meant to be read and implemented as a DIY project for a new Buyer or replace comprehensive new business buyer training programs (i.e. the Business Buyers Club in the UK). There are still 100’s of twists and turns that could not be covered in any book or course and we believe we can add tremendous value in getting your first deal over the line. There are three main benefits of working with us and letting us manage the transaction from beginning to end using our Dynamic M&A Transaction Management Program (DTM): • The chance the transaction closes will be greatly increased • The time it takes to close the transaction will be greatly reduced
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