successful most of the time. Although challenges can often seem infinite, most of the dozens of issues that arise during the process do repeat themselves in some form and have had solutions previously, so experience matters. Transworld M&A is over 40 years old with 250+ offices globally (15 in the UK) and we sell over $1.5B worth of business annually. Being a Transworld M&A advisor requires extensive training and often advisors have advanced certifications and years of business experience. But most of all, a successful advisor has learned from 1000s of hours of field experience through both successes and failures and used our proven Dynamic Transaction Management Program to make sure everything stays on time and transitions close as quickly as possible. The details of how to buy a business and the school of hard knocks are not something someone buying a business once every few years should have to go through…there is help! We can use our experience to make your business buying experience easier, faster and have a much greater chance of getting over the line. This book is about providing a reasonable foundation to engage with us in the process, not to encourage you to learn whatever is not in the book the hard way…save that for the lessons your new business will teach you! So, we hope you get value from the book and please let us know when you are ready to engage your first business sale project and we will be happy to help. Please feel free to contact me and my team if you have an acquisition you need help with. Ken Gorman Managing Director Transworld M&A UK LSW
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