Architectural Masonry Product Guide Edition 6.3

CSV Architects

Brick: Crawford Block: Origin Series, Natural, Split

Typical Brampton Brick Range

Physical Property



Metric Units

Imperial Units

Individual Average of 5 Individual Average of 5 Individual Average of 5 Individual Average of 5

> 17.2 MPa > 20.7 MPa

> 2500 psi > 3000 psi

Minimum Compressive Strength

50 – 85 MPa

7200 – 12000 psi

< 8.0% - < 17.0% -

< 8.0% - < 20.0% < 17.0%

24 Hour Cold Water Absorption*

4.0% - 6.0%

5 Hour Boiling Water Absorption

5.5% - 7.0%

< 0.78 -

< 0.80 < 0.78

Saturation (C/B) Ratio*

0.70 - 0.85 Based on CSA A82 for Exterior Grade (EG), Type X and ASTM C216 for Severe Weather (SW), Type FBX *Standards require conformance to at least one of the two criteria



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