Property Inspiration | Winter/Spring Collection 2022

Call in the professionals Once all decisions have been made, you’ll be ready for installation. You may be able to fit the kitchen yourself or know someone who can do the job for you. If not, your kitchen supplier should be able to recommend skilled fitters. Dependent on the scale of the project you may also need to organise builders, electricians and plumbers. It is essential to manage the project thoughtfully, so that each tradesman is able to carry out their part in the right order for the next one to start. Finishing touches Once your kitchen has been installed it’s time to have fun with all the little details. Will you be installing blinds? If so, think about textile and colour choices that will work well with your kitchen style. Installed a breakfast bar or island? What stools will work best? If you’ve gone for oak work surfaces, wooden stools may be more in keeping than contemporary upholstered ones. If you’ve gone for a classic or country style kitchen, vintage finds such as retro storage tins and traditional scales

Last but not least, have fun with it all! A new kitchen will most likely cost thousands of pounds, so be excited by the process and for the endless possibilities and choices available. Understand, that while a new kitchen is being fitted, mealtimes may become a little stressful, so be prepared in advance to cook simple meals in a slow cooker or microwave, and know that eating out and takeaways will be on the cards for a week or two. There could also be mess and dust to contend with. But always remember, all those things will be worth it when your family and friends can enjoy your new kitchen at the end of it all! contemporary, then a more minimal look will work better with some bright pops of colour from plants and some well-chosen work top appliances such as a stylish kettle and toaster. If you’re lucky enough to have the space for a family area, try to keep the style in line with the kitchen. Choose complementary furniture, colours and patterns. For example, if you’ve used Moroccan vintage-style tiles in the kitchen, you could incorporate similar patterns and colours into cushions on a sofa.

on the work surfaces will work nicely and create character. However, if you’ve gone

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