What's New 2025 Letter

4 Solid Hole Selection Productivity | Mill

Mastercam 2025 includes changes to the default selection behavior of the Solid Hole Selection and is therefore not optional. This will be useful for customers who use Hole Making and Process Hole toolpaths. The changes associated with this update create a more efficient, precise, and controllable hole selection. The Solid Hole Selection update encompasses many new behaviors for selecting holes. Toolpath Hole Definition Changes • Simplified selection rules. • Multiple hole types are allowed in a single toolpath. • Segment selections from the same hole are always joined together into a single feature. • Selection from the solids history tree now adds all segments. • Selection behaviors are now the same for both native Mastercam hole features and those related to imported neutral CAD formats.

5 In Mastercam 2025 the new Safety Zone now uses meshes for parametric shapes. Before the Safety Zone used a mesh for the Wrap Shape type only. This first phase of the updated Safety Zone is available for all Hole Making toolpaths including Process Hole. Along with an updated algorithm which results in the Safety Zone now being a post toolpath calculation, the following new parameters are now available: Safety Zone Improvements for Hole Making Progress | Mill

• Linear Tolerance • Blending Distance • Smoothing Distance

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