What's New 2025 Letter

6 Mastercam 2025 introduces Mill-Turn support for Y-axis Turning. All turning toolpaths except custom thread and B- axis contour turning support Y-axis functionality. Automatically create a set of planes that you can use to create your toolpath with the proper tool orientation and spindle origin. It also locks the B-axis to the 90-degree position. Y-Axis Turning Support in Mill-Turn Progress | Mill-Turn

In addition, the available approach and retract strategies have been enhanced to include Y-first strategies, along with the ability to designate tool assemblies as Y-axis compatible in the holder component page.

Progress | Mill-Turn 7

A-Axis Contour Turning in Mill-Turn

Mastercam 2025 introduces the new A-axis Contour Turning Toolpath. It complements the B-axis contour toolpath introduced in Mastercam 2023 and extends Mastercam’s support for rotary contour turning. The new toolpath is very similar to the B-axis contour toolpath, except that it uses Y-axis tools. The ability to rotate the tool while in the cut lets Mastercam users reach difficult-to-machine areas while taking advantage of the latest advances in Y-axis tool technology.

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