What's New 2025 Letter

trailing angle for the insert. 8

B-Axis Contour Turning Enhancements Performance | Mill-Turn

Two new features have been added to the B-axis rotary contour toolpath in Mill-Turn. To start, you can now include splines in your chained geometry. In addition, new tool angle controls let you specify either a leading or

Spline Support for B-Axis Contour Turning Converting splines into arcs and lines was an extra, tedious process. Driving a B-axis Contour toolpath on a spline will simplify and speed up the toolpath generation process.

Tool Angle Control in B-Axis Contour Turning Precise control of the tool axis during B-axis Contour is essential. It will enhance the toolpath creation

process and will greatly improve the resulting machined finishes.

9 Mastercam 2025 now includes Analyze Deviation. This function analyzes the differences between entities and applies a color coded “heat map” to the geometry, which display deviations within the graphics window. Deviation analysis allows you to compare any combination of points, curves, surfaces, bodies, or faces. Analyze Deviation Function Productivity | Design

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