Facebooks Ads: Creating a Core Audience

for Agents

Setting up a core audience Use these steps to set up a core audience.

?: In Facebook Ads Manager, select “Create” in Campaigns: <: Name your campaign and select “Continue”: 1: You’re now at the Ad Set level. In the left menu, go to Audience. Here you’ll set location, age, gender, and other demographic targets: H: Under detailed targeting, you can target people based on interests and behaviors.B >: Under connections, you’ll include or exclude people who already like your page, their friends, or people who aren’t connected with you yet: : Save your audience and give it a name, especially if you think you’ll reuse it later. Tip: Create more than one core audience. For example, if you’re licensed in Texas, you may want to target Austin and Dallas with different interests or hobbies in those two locations so you can learn which attributes work better. Testing Monitor how your ads are doing. Are you getting traffic from a specific image or copy? You can do more of that and scale back ads that aren’t performing as well.

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