Term Life Insurance

Why Ethos?

Broad eligibility Ethos can offer life insurance for up to 95% of U.S. adult applicants, including seniors, low credit holders, and those with health issues.

Fast coverage Our streamlined application uses your answers to health questions to provide a decision for you on the spot, in a process that can take as little as 10 minutes.

No medical exams Our 100% online process makes it simple to apply. What traditionally took weeks can now be done in minutes by answering just a few health and lifestyle questions.


What does a life insurance policy cover? It’s ultimately up to your beneficiaries to decide how to use the cash payout. People often choose to use it for things like:¯ ´ Home mortgage or rent¯ ´ Lost income¯ ´ Loans and debt¯ ´ Children’s education¯ ´ Living expenses¯ ´ Funeral costs How do policy claims and payouts work? If you pass away while your coverage is in force, your beneficiary files a claim with your insurance carrier ( as identified on your policy documents ) , your carrier will pay the claim to your beneficiary, typically in an income tax - free lump - sum payment. For example, if you purchase $ 1 million in coverage, your beneficiary will receive a tax - free $ 1 million lump - sum payout.

What happens when my term ends? If you do not pass away during your term, you have options when your term ends:¯ ´ You can renew your term annually at a higher rate, with no additional underwritingÐ ´ You can apply for a new policy with a fresh term length and coverage amountÐ ´ You can decide to let your coverage expire and not replace it. I s there a chance the payout won ’ t be paid? A claim may not be paid if underwriting finds that parts of the application were answered untruthfully or if the claim is the result of death by suicide within the first two years of the policy being in force. R efer to your policy for details.

© 2 0 24 Ethos T echnologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. C A license # 0L 28 9 4 9 ; AR license # 1001 6462 9. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at www.ethoslife.com / carriers. Products and their features may not be available in all states. T o help avoid requiring a medical exam, our application asks certain health and lifestyle questions . Ethos T erm Life – Prime policy form ICC 23- C DT and state variations is a Legal & G eneral A merica term life insurance product underwritten and issued by B anner Life Insurance Company, Urbana, MD . B anner Life and Ethos T echnologies Inc. are separate and independent companies. B anner Life products are distributed in 4 9 states and in D C. B anner Life is not authori z ed as an insurer and does not do business in N ew York . In approved states, Ethos T erm Life – Spectrum ( form 3 0 2 5 ) is issued by A meritas Life Insurance Corp. In Oregon, policy form ICC 2 0 3 0 2 5 7-2 0. T he product is not available in N ew York. A meritas and Ethos T echnologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. A meritas ® is a marketing name for subsidiaries of A meritas M utual Holding Company. Subsidiaries include A meritas Life Insurance Corp. in Lincoln, N ebraska and A meritas Life Insurance Corp. of N ew York ( licensed in N ew York ) in N ew York, N ew York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. G uarantees are based on the claims - paying ability of A meritas Life Insurance Corp. N either A meritas Life Insurance Corp. nor its representatives provide tax or legal advice. For more information about A meritas ® , visit ameritas.com. For more information about A meritas ® , visit ameritas.com. A meritas ® and the bison design are registered service marks of A meritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life ® is a registered service mark of a ffi liate A meritas Holding Company. © 2 0 24 A meritas M utual Holding Compan y T ruStage ™ Simplified Issue T erm Life Insurance is issued by C M F G Life Insurance Company. T his is a term policy to age 8 0 that has premiums that increase when entering each five - year band: 2 5, 3 0, 3 5, 4 0, 4 5, 50, 55, 6 0, 6 5, 7 0, and 7 5. B ase Form N umbers for coverage under 100k: ICC1 6- A 10a - 0 3 9, A 10a - 0 3 9 -2 01 6 & over 100k ICC1 7- SI T-2 , 2 01 7- SI T-2 . T he insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any depository institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters: 5910 M ineral Point R oad, M adison, WI 5 37 05. © T ruStage. LE GA L: Privacy | T erms and Conditions | Confidentialit y

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