
Pictured previously: Balm Solar Site Preparation

From Coal Ash Remediation to New Solar Fields, P&J Is a Proven Solution for Utilities

P&J’s Power Generation Group is committed to keeping our communities running, and we have been doing just that since our founder cleared his first Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) site in the 1950s. Since those early days, we have built decades of experience developing new utility sites, upgrading current facilities, and closing coal combustion residual (CCR) ponds. We are proud of the relationships we have built and nurtured with large regulated utilities over the years, including TVA, who is still one of our largest clients. Work around power plants is sensitive, and P&J has a proven track record handling these projects delicately and with the utmost respect for surrounding communities and the environment. As power companies upgrade their CCR disposal procedures to keep up with technology and changing regulations, it is imperative that the people doing the work understand the material and the best and safest way to handle it. P&J’s people have safely remediated dozens of CCR sites, and our experience makes us uniquely qualified to handle a variety of projects.

“Our relationships with TVA and other regulated utilities are built on P&J’s consistent and reliable response to both routine maintenance and upgrades and emergency cleanup. We know the best management practices for these sites, and we are on top of regulations and compliance for all of our clients,” says Max Morton, Sr. Vice President of the Power Generation Group. As the energy market is changing, P&J is also working on the forefront of renewable fuel opportunities. Our Power Generation Group performs site preparation for wind farms and solar fields. In 2018 P&J began preparing multiple solar sites in Florida, as part of Tampa Electric Company’s (TECO’s) 600 megawatt expansion of their solar power capacity. The same heavy civil engineering skills that we’ve perfected on CCR and landfill sites can also protect delicate solar equipment from the elements, and we’re proud to continue our long-standing relationships with regulated utilities like TECO as they explore new ways to provide quality energy solutions to their clients.

Max Morton Sr. Vice President 865-392-3001

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