CPW 58

Tall enough for Space Mountain ® !

Now living atWalt DisneyWorld Resort is an even bigger blast.

Maya’s very first rocket ride. She won’t have far to go for this Disney dream come true. Because when you own a home at Golden Oak, you live at Walt DisneyWorld Resort. This luxurious private community features custom homes from $1.8 million, legendary

Disney service and a lifetime of happily-ever-after memories. Golden Oak Realty 407.939.5715 DisneyGoldenOak.com/lifelong

Obtain the Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this SURSHUW\7KLVGRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHDQRijHUWRVHOORUDVROLFLWDWLRQWREX\UHDOHVWDWHWR5HVLGHQWVRIDQ\VWDWHRUMXULVGLFWLRQZKHUHSURKLELWHGE\ODZ RUZKHUHSULRUUHJLVWUDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGEXWKDVQRW\HWEHHQIXOıOOHG)RU1<5HVLGHQWV7+(&203/(7(2))(5,1*7(506$5(,1$12))(5,1* 3/$1 $9$,/$%/( )520 6321625 *2/'(1 2$. '(9(/230(17 //& ),/( 12 + )RU &DOLIRUQLD 5HVLGHQWV :$51,1* 7+( &$/,)251,$%85($82)5($/(67$7(+$6127,163(&7('(;$0,1('2548$/,),('7+,62))(5,1*3$5(*,675$7,211R2/ .<5(*,675$7,211R59RLGZKHUHSURKLELWHGE\ODZ(TXDO+RXVLQJ2SSRUWXQLW\%URNHUSDUWLFLSDWLRQZHOFRPH ũ'LVQH\*2

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