PPA | The Barn, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury, BS37 6FF

The Barn & Equestrian Facilities, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL

western periphery of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB),

which is a nationally important landscape.

4.3 The Council’s Local Plan also includes a landscape protection policy, PSP2, which

specifically notes “Within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

(AONB), great weight will be given to the conservation and enhancement of the

natural and scenic beauty of the landscape whilst taking account of the

biodiversity interest and the historic and cultural heritage. Where development is

proposed in a location which would affect the setting of the AONB, it must be

demonstrated that it would not adversely impact upon the natural beauty of the


4.4 The AONB designation, will greatly reduce the scale and density of any

development of new buildings on the site.

4.5 All development proposals on this site will need to demonstrate, in a proportionate

manner, that they do not unacceptably impact on the protected landscape. For

modest extension(s) to the barn; these studies will reflect the scale and visibility of

the extensions proposed, i.e. a desk-top study of important views (if any) in and out

of the site, the visibility of the barn and any additions, and how the design has

successfully mitigated any impact.

4.6 For any new-build development on the equestrian facilities at the north end of the

site, which is more remote from the existing buildings on Badminton Road and Old

Sodbury itself; this study is likely to take the form of a Landscape Visual Impact

Assessment, prepared by a competent professional. The design approach would

have to take account of the protected landscape designation.

4.7 The barn conversion is largely constrained by the limits of the extant consent, in

terms of vehicular access point, parking location and the extent of the residential

curtilage allotted to the new dwelling. Keeping these elements the same with any

new planning application (seeking extensions as well as the conversion); will

minimise risk.

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