PPA | The Barn, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury, BS37 6FF

The Barn & Equestrian Facilities, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL

let/cabin for tourism purposes. This be subject to the caveats contained in the

Council’s policy PSP28 – Rural Economy, including the requirement that “the

building is of permanent construction.” This ensures that conversion is possible

without the need for significant reconstruction.

Please note that the building’s

structure was not inspected for the purposes of this PPA.

3.11 The relevant elements of policy PSP28 note that:

“Sustainable new development which promotes a strong rural economy will be

acceptable in rural areas. Proposal(s) for business development outside the defined

urban areas and settlement boundaries will be acceptable:

1) In the case of new buildings or uses, where:

(a) for buildings, there are no existing suitable underused buildings reasonably

available and capable of conversion without major or complete reconstruction;


(b) the proposed building is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the use and

is clearly designed for that purpose; and

(c) the development relates well to settlements or existing groups of buildings; and

(d) the development makes efficient use of the land in relation to its location, layout,

accessibility and surroundings; and

(e) the volume and nature of any goods sold would not have a significant adverse

effect on shopping facilities available in nearby settlements; and

(f) the proposal(s) is of a scale which is consistent with its function, use and rural


2) In the case of the conversion or re-use of existing buildings, where:

(a) the building is of permanent construction; and

(b) the buildings are in keeping with their surroundings in terms of character, form,

bulk and overall design; and

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