The Barn & Equestrian Facilities, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL
Proposals should be:
1. supported by an approved housing needs survey
2. well related to a rural settlement
3. modest in scale and in keeping with the form and character of the settlement
and local landscape setting; and
4. supported or initiated by the appropriate Parish Council.
Permission will be subject to conditions, or a legal obligation will be negotiated, to
ensure that the affordable housing is reserved in perpetuity for those in local
affordable housing need.”
3.15 To explore this option, a Housing Needs Survey will need to be commissioned.
Should this study confirm a local need for affordable housing within the vicinity of
the site, chiefly arising from people with local connections; then, aside from the
constraints posed by the AONB designation; the next step would be to assess the
financial viability of such a development and whether or not the addition of some
market housing would be necessary to facilitate the provision of the affordable
3.16 It would also be strongly recommended to approach Sodbury Town Council at an
early stage, to seek support from the Parish, for an affordable housing development;
as their endorsement would be critical in the overall success of an application (as
stated above at CS19, point 4), and they may also have record of local need.
4.1 The site is not in a Conservation Area but and there are two Listed Buildings in
proximity, therefore their settings will need to be considered as part of any
development. The site is within Flood Zone 1 and therefore at low probability of
flooding from the sea and rivers.
4.2 The key considerations for any new development will be the connectivity of the site
to the existing settlement of Old Sodbury, but primarily, the site’s location within the
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