Audit Finds Chicago Does Not Enforce Recycling Ordinance An audit performed by the City of Chicago Office of Inspec- tor General (OIG) has found that the Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS) does not ensure owners of commercial and high-density residential buildings with five or more units provide recycling services as required by the Chicago Re- cycling Ordinance.The city is required to provide buildings found in violation of this requirement 30 days to come into compliance; continued noncompliance can result in fines ranging between $500 and $5,000 per day. Additionally, the OIG audit concluded that DSS does not ensure that private haulers submit complete, accurate and timely reports detailing the buildings they served, and the amount and type of materials hauled. The city of Irvine, California, and a coalition of six cities in Sonoma County will take on local redemption challenges by launching state-approved pilot projects designed to make it easier for consumers to cash in their empty bottles and cans. Irvine’s newly approved program allows for scheduled pick- up and mail-in or online redemption. The Sonoma County program establishes 10 new bag-drop locations in suburban and rural parts of the county where consumers can leave tagged bags of material for electronic payment. California Cities Launch Recycling Pilot Program

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