NWRA Women’s Council Elects New Leadership
Buyer’s Guide CONVEYORS ALLEGHENY SHREDDERS Old William Penn Hwy East • Delmont, PA 15626 (800) 245-2497 • Fax: (724) 468-5919 Website: www.alleghenyshredders.com E-mail: solutions@alleghenyshredders.com HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com MAYFRAN INTERNATIONAL 6650 Beta Dr. (PO Box 43038) • Cleveland, OH 44143 (440) 461-4100 • Fax: (440) 461-5565 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611
The National Waste & Recycling Association’s (NWRA) Women’s Council elected new leadership for 2021. The Women’s Council fosters the professional development of women in the waste industry while striving to increase their business, financial and leadership skills through educa- tion,workshops,mentoring and networking. In addition, the Women’s Council offers scholarships to students in pursuit
of a career in the environmental industry. The 2021 Officers and Committee Chairs:
President , Faith Zydowsky, Sierra Container Group Vice President , Katie Raverty-Evans, Best Way Disposal Secretary , Cheryl Waite, Perkins Manufacturing Treasurer ,Allia Saydjari,Wheelabrator Scholarship Chair ,Tammy Holzman,Waste Connections Fundraising Chair , Pam Caron, Risk Strategies Membership/Marketing Chair , Samantha Podgorny, Envi- ronmental Solutions Professional Development Chair , Special Projects, Laura Askin, M & G Solutions Professional Development Chair ,ABC Book, Katie Raver- ty-Evans, Best Way Disposal Staff Liaison , Peggy Macenas, NWRA Past President , Carmen Smothers Starbucks, Unilever, DFA Join Vanguard Renewables Vanguard Renewables, Wellesley, Massachusetts, an- nounced that London, England-based Unilever, Seattle,Wash- ington-based Starbucks, and the Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) have joined the company in launching the Farm Pow- ered StrategicAlliance (FPSA).According to the organization, the FPSA is aimed at accelerating long-term commitments to avoid or eliminate food waste first and repurpose what can’t be eliminated into renewable energy. The FPSA is committed to reducing food waste from man- ufacturing and the supply chain and repurposing any un- avoidable waste that cannot be eliminated into renewable energy via Vanguard Renewables’ farm-based anaerobic di- gesters.The FPSA members also commit to begin exploring the process of decarbonizing their thermal energy usage by converting to farm-derived renewable natural gas. In the United States, more than 40 percent of all food pro- duced ends up being discarded.While eliminating that waste is a priority, some of this unavoidable food waste is still sent to landfills or incinerators, but can be repurposed to produce renewable energy. Vanguard Renewables uses anaerobic di- gesters situated on farms to capture this energy and generate renewable natural gas or renewable electricity to be used in homes and manufacturing plants across the nation.Moreover, the process produces low carbon fertilizer that host farms use to support regenerative agriculture practices while it sup- ports the American farmer with a diversified income stream. Vanguard Renewables has seven operating facilities in the Northeast and more than 20 “Farm Powered” anaerobic di- gester facilities in permitting and development nationwide.
Website: www.mayfran.com E-mail: info@mayfran.com
SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503
Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com
VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com
HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611 Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503
Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com
VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com
8 December 21, 2020 Recycling Markets
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