ECHOES Exhibition Catalog

exquisite corpse Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative drawing game invented by Surrealist artists to stimulate creativity and explore the subconscious mind. Each participant adds to a drawing without seeing what others have contributed, resulting in unexpected and often surreal compositions.

Exquisite Corpse Instructions

Take a piece of paper and fold it into two or three equal sections, either lengthwise for portraits or widthwise for creating a full figure. 1. The first player draws the head or top section of an imaginary character, extending some lines slightly over the fold to guide the next person. 2. Fold the paper to conceal the drawing, leaving only the extended lines visible. 3. Pass the paper to the next player, who will draw the next section without peeking at the previous drawing. 4. Repeat the process, folding and passing the paper, until all sections are complete. (e.g., left side and right side of a face, or top half and bottom half of a creature. For three players, divide sections into head, torso, and legs) 5. 6.Unfold the paper to reveal the collaborative and often whimsical creation.

Additional Activity: Surrealist Poetry

Tips for a Great Exquisite Corpse Be Spontaneous Let your drawing flow naturally without overthinking it Embrace the Unexpected The magic of Exquisite Corpse lies in the surprising combinations that emerge Collaborate and Have Fun Enjoy the process of creating something unique together with others Extend the spirit of Exquisite Corpse to poetry! Create a collaborative poem by writing one line at a time or by assembling words and phrases clipped from provided magazines. Fold the paper to conceal your words, and pass to a friend or stranger. Repeat as many times as you like, involving several people or passing back and forth with a collaborator. Let your imagination flow and see how unexpected combinations can create unique and surreal poetry.

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