ECHOES Exhibition Catalog


A technique where artists suppress conscious control to allow the subconscious mind to create spontaneously, often resulting in abstract forms. Drawing spontaneously without conscious planning or intention, allowing the subconscious to influence the creation process. An art style inspired by natural forms and organic shapes, used to create fluid, abstract compositions suggesting living organisms. A collaborative drawing game where multiple artists contribute to a single artwork without seeing the previous contributions, creating surprising and spontaneous results. An art form involving the assembly of different materials, such as paper, photographs, and fabric, onto a surface to create a new composition. Creating poems by piecing together words or phrases from different sources, used by Surrealists to generate unexpected and meaningful texts. An avant-garde movement characterized by anti- establishment and anti-art sentiments, influencing Surrealism with its emphasis on irrationality and absurdity. A technique where paint is spread on a surface, then covered with another material and pressed together, creating intricate, textured patterns. Placing objects in unfamiliar or bizarre settings to disrupt conventional associations, provoking thought and challenging perceptions of reality. Visual representations inspired by dreams, often featuring fantastical and illogical scenes, used by Surrealists to explore the unconscious mind. A type of landscape in art that resembles a dream, with fantastical and illogical elements creating a surreal and imaginative scene. The theme of eroticism and the exploration of sexual desire within Surrealist art, reflecting the movement's interest in deep psychological impulses.


Automatic Drawing


Cadavre Exquis (Exquisite Corpse)


Collage Poetry




Dream Imagery



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