ECHOES Exhibition Catalog

A technique where the artist rubs a drawing tool over a textured surface to create a pattern, used to generate random textures in art. A painting technique where layers of paint are scraped off to reveal underlying colors and textures, creating unexpected and automatic results. Placing different elements side by side to create contrasting effects, often used by Surrealists to combine unrelated objects or ideas. A public declaration of principles and intentions; the Surrealist Manifesto outlined the goals and philosophies of the Surrealist movement. Ordinary, everyday objects found by an artist and presented as art to challenge traditional notions of beauty and art. A technique where artists induce a paranoid state to perceive reality differently, leading to the creation of fantastical, dream-like images. A method of creating art by allowing the subconscious mind to take control, bypassing rational thought to reveal the workings of the unconscious. Ordinary manufactured objects designated by an artist as art, challenging traditional definitions and perceptions of art. An artistic and literary movement focused on exploring the unconscious mind, dreams, and irrationality to release the creative potential of the unconscious. Collaborative and playful activities used by Surrealist artists to generate spontaneous and unpredictable results, such as Exquisite Corpse. Objects created or altered by Surrealist artists to evoke the unconscious and suggest new meanings, often combining unexpected elements. The use of symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind, employed by Surrealists to delve into the subconscious. A part of the mind containing thoughts, memories, and desires not within conscious awareness, considered a rich source of creativity by Surrealists.





Objet Trouvé (Found Object)

Paranoiac-Critical Method

Psychic Automatism



Surrealist Games

Surrealist Objects



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