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Russell Run attracts 145

The 7 th annual Russell Run was held on Saturday May 7 and attracted a total of 145 runners of all ages. The event was hosted by the Russell Community Sport Club and supported by Strength Craze and Russell Pro. All proceeds from this event will be given to the new Russell Sports Dome. The day started with a 1.2 km fun run for the kids around the Russell High School track and was followed by the 5 km race that took runners through the streets and nature trails of Russell. Some 41 runners under the age of 14 participated in the 5km run. Thirteen-year-old Matthew Howell finished with the fastest time in the men’s category at 19:09 minutes. He was followed closely by Tom and Alex Huisman. In the women’s category, Megan Fothergill and Amelie Buma finished in third and second place respectively, while Lindsay Khan finished first with a time of 20:55 minutes. —photo Danic Legault

Le village de Casselman recherche une personne pour combler le poste au sein du comité suivant : Comité de dérogation mineure

Pour de plus amples renseignements au sujet du mandat et des procédures des réunions du comité, veuillez communiquer auprès du Directeur général au 613-764-3139, poste 514. MANDAT: pendant la durée correspondant à celle du mandat du conseil existant (terminant le 30 novembre 2018). EXIGENCES: • Être âgé de dix-huit ans ou plus; • Être citoyen canadien;

• Être un résident du village de Casselman; • Être bilingue (français-anglais) de préférence. COMMENT POSTULER:

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre leur candidature, par écrit en format Word ou PDF à l’attention du Directeur général par courriel au ou en personne à l’hôtel de ville au 751 rue St-Jean, Casselman. DATE LIMITE POUR SOUMETTRE VOTRE CANDIDATURE : Le 27 mai 2016 avant 13 h.

The Village of Casselman is seeking to fill a position on the following committee: Committee of Adjustment

For details regarding the mandate and meetings procedures of the above committee, please contact our Chief Administrative Officer at 613-764-3139, ext. 514. TERM: Concurrent with the term of the existing Council (ending November 30, 2018). REQUIREMENTS: • Must be eighteen years of age or over; • Must be a Canadian Citizen; • Must be a resident of the Village of Casselman; • Preferably bilingual (English/French). HOW TO APPLY: Those interested are invited to submit their resume in a Word or PDF format to the Chief Administrative Officer by email at or in person at 751 St-Jean Street, Casselman, Ontario. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR RESUME: May 27, 2016 before 1:00 p.m.

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