WCN Special Summer Edition 2024

Here is the Special Summer Edition (2024) of Wisconsin Christian News. God bless you, and enjoy your summer!

Information • Education • Inspiration •

Special Summer Edition 2024 • Volume 25, Issue 3

“To Publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wondrous works.” -Psalm 26:7 (KJV)

WI SCONS IN C HRISTIAN www.WisconsinChristianNews.com N EWS

An Amazing Journey

Page 35

The Great Falling Away Page 13

INSIDE Highlights: The Preborn In Wisconsin............................... Does Everybody Go To Heaven?................... No Turning Back............................................ A Godly Marriage.............................................. Arrested For Silent Prayer In the UK............... The Hand Of God.............................................. Why Did God Create Dads?..................... Fauci Confesses......................................... Fleeing the Big Cities..................................

We Have Forgotten God

8 9

12 14 20 27 34 41 44

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A National Christian Newspaper Based in Wisconsin

CONTACT US Rob Pue, Publisher Wisconsin Christian News 225780 Rib Mountain Dr. # 229 Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 486-8066 Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com The Official Pastor of WCN : Pastor Mike Spaulding Lima, Ohio Call for Pastoral Counseling 567-259-6001 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTION TEAM: Bernie Cudnohoski James Frisch • Ray LeBlanc David Berding • Nancy Smazal Mike & Deb Larson • Harry Wilkinson Bernie & Rose Petrie • Merry Stern Karl Kimmes • Trygve Boettcher James T. Smith • DeAnne Winter Charles Larsen • Deborah Dorzok Dan & Amy Timm • Richard Bollom Chris Allen • Mike Meinen Bill & Randy Behringer

About WCN Wisconsin Christian News represents a cooper- ative effort by active Christians from all walks of life. In our pages and on our website, you will find Infor- mation, Education and Inspiration, with a majority of the articles written by members of our “WCN Fam- ily” of contributors. There is something of interest to every member of the family. We hope you are blessed and become a regular reader. WCN seeks, at all times, to publish the TRUTH, regardless of “political correctness,” standing up for America’s historical Christian heritage and urging a return to biblical, moral standards. We offer very thought-provoking commentary, inspired teach- ing, real life testimonies, world, national, state and regional news, plus advice and information from experts in their areas of business and ministry -- all in the various sections of our 48-page newspa- per. In addition to providing valuable content to the Christian community, we focus equally on reach- ing those who are lost and seeking, and those who may have been alienated from church as an institution in the past. You’ll find WCN on the racks in the lobbies of grocery stores, family restaurants, shopping centers and malls and most Christian book stores. Of course, you can also find a copy at many of our “Ministry Partner” advertisers’ business and ministry locations. This is our outreach to the mar- ketplace, and we receive many wonderful testi- monies from people who have found the Lord for the first time, or returned to Him, after many years away, after finding our newspaper in a public place. Our Doctrinal Statement • There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was

• The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all na- tions. The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life; for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment. • The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal, visible, and pre-mil- lennial. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. All viewpoints expressed in Wisconsin Christian News are those of the authors and do not nec- essarily represent the viewpoint of the publishers. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any articles, based upon content, length, value and source requirements.

conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. He died, was buried and arose from the dead ac- cording to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom of right- eousness and peace. • The Holy Spirit is sent to indwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. • The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as origi- nally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice. • Man was originally created in the image and like- ness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring, thereby, both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the love of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Salvation has been made available through Jesus Christ for all men; those who repent and be- lieve in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. • It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly, being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion. • Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mor- tal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures and are privileges for the church in the present age.


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Dave Daubenmire is a veteran 35 year high school football coach who was spurred action when attacked and sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for praying with his high school football team. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement.

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Volume 25, Issue 3


Page 3

The Marshfield

Natural Family Festival! Sa t u rd ay , J u n e 29, 2024

Celebrating the Natural Family! Everyone Is Welcome!

9 am - 5 pm

T h e N a t u r a l Fam ily F e s ti va l i s a pos iti v e , up li f ti ng c ele b r a ti on of t h e fam ily . It’ s an oppo rt un ity t o conn e c t ch il d re n w it h t h eir pa re n t s, pa re n t s w it h t h eir ch il d re n, g r andpa re n t s w it h t h eir ch il d re n and g r andch il d re n i n subs t an ti a l , m e an i ngfu l , hands - on wa y s. It’ s a commun ity e v e n t t ha t d r aws fam ilie s t og et h er , i n wa y s t h ey ma y no t hav e ex p erie nc e d i n a v ery l ong ti m e . It g et s ki ds bac k t o b ei ng ki ds — awa y f r om t h e ha r mfu l i nf l u e nc e s of pop cu lt u re , soc i a l m e d i a and ele c tr on i cs. A n oppo rt un ity fo r ou r o l d e s t g e n er a ti ons t o conn e c t w it h t h e y oung e s t g e n er a ti ons, fo r Dads and M oms t o bond w it h t h eir ki ds and fo r ki ds t o le a r n t o VAL U E , re sp e c t and hono r t h eir pa re n t s, g r andpa re n t s and el d er s. It’ s a chanc e fo r fam ilie s t o B U IL D som et h i ng s i gn i f i can t , and s tre ng t h e n t h e commun ity a t l a r g e . SPECIAL SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE:

L o i s T e Str ake, C ity of M a r shf iel d M a y o r

J aso n St o rm s a n d F a mil y

J R H a rri so n , T h e N a t u r a l Fam ily Founda ti on


F a th e r s &  S o n s B u il d a Bir dhous e T og et h er!

M o m s &  D a u g ht e r s P l an t a G a r d e n T og et h er!

P o n y &  Ca rt R i des J us t like ‘ down on t h e fa r m !’

Ki ds ( age 5- 13) W o rk a t ou r Le monad e S t and & kee p t h e mon ey y ou e a r n !

St o r y Tim e G ood, who le som e s t o rie s, re ad b y Gr andpas and Gr andmas !

P e ttin g Z oo All ki nds of fun bab y an i ma l s t o i n ter ac t w it h and le a r n abou t!

Buil d a Pl ay h o u se ! Fo r Dads and Tee ns — wo rk t og et h er und er t h e sup er v i s i on of mas ter bu il d er s and b uil d a R EAL H O USE! All who wo rk on t h e p r o je c t w ill b e e n tere d i n a d r aw i ng t o WIN t h e hous e wh e n it’ s comp lete d ! A ch ie v e som et h i ng t og et h er y ou n e v er t hough t y ou cou l d !

M ob il e C r ea ti o n Mu se um! D i nosau r s, Foss il s, and much mo re! Com e ex p l o re and le a r n abou t how t h e wo rl d was c re a te d and t a ke hom e som e n e a t souv e n ir s !

We’ll Also Have: Beautiful music sung by FAMILIES! • Bouncy Houses for the kids! • Step into yesteryear with exhibits of old-time tools!

For more information, call Ray at:  (715) 660-8176 In M a rshfi e ld’s C ol u mbi a P a rk 201 We st Arnold S t. • M a rshfi e ld, W is c onsin Food &  Refreshments so you can have a family picnic lunch! • A Real Fire Truck to Explore! Personal stories from our elderly friends, connecting our oldest generations with our youngest!

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Volume 25, Issue 3

We H a ve Forgotten God

By Jim Schneider, Executive Director, VCY America June 2024

there is no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we’re mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what our senses can perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!” After September 11, 2001 churches across the nation were filled to capacity. Congressman gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol singing “God Bless America.” Marquees at busi- nesses across the nation encouraged people to pray for God to bless this nation. Each year on the anniversary of 9/11 then President Bush called for a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. In the years after, this was changed to a National Day of Service and Remembrance. The words of Abraham Lincoln appear to be true once again. “We have forgotten God.” In April, 2009, then President Obama said “…we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.” As a nation we have drifted afoul of God’s Word and the principles it lays forth. We have killed over 65 million babies in the name of “choice.” We have forgotten God. On June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court sanctioned so-called “same sex marriage.” We have forgotten God. We have changed military policy allowing open homosexuality and transgenderism. The Boy Scouts have dropped “Boy” from their name and have caved to the homosexual and transgender agenda. We have forgotten God. This year in his National Day of Prayer Proclamation, Governor Tony Evers never mentions or refers to the name of God. We have for- gotten God. Corporate America is falling in line with this moral erosion and bend- ing over backwards to celebrate “pride” and immorality. We have for- gotten God. Classrooms across the nation have become indoctrination centers for the DEI movement, aberrant lifestyles and undermining parental authority. University campuses are awash with anti-Semitism. We have forgotten God. As a nation, we must again humble ourselves before God, calling upon Him in repentance and seeking His forgiveness. This is not only required of our nation, but must also be practiced by our churches, our families, and by ourselves! Have you forgotten God? VCY.org

It was on July 4, 1776 that the Continen- tal Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. A

draft had been submitted on July 2nd and it was on the 4th that the edits and changes were agreed. Now 248 years later, the importance of this date and of this document must not be forgotten. In 1776, those living in the American colonies were out- raged at the control that England bore over them. The Dec- laration carefully laid out their grievances as to why they were breaking away from Great Britain. In all, there were 56 signers who were representatives from the 13 colonies. Their ages ranged from 26 (Edward Rutledge) to 70 (Ben- jamin Franklin), but the majority of the signers were in their 30’s and 40’s. More than half were lawyers, and others were planters, mer- chants and shippers. Together they mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. They were mostly men of means who had much to lose if the war was lost. Some of the signers were taken captive during the war and nearly all of them were poorer at the end of the war than at the beginning. A Constitution and Bill of Rights were later drafted providing the framework for the freedoms we cherish today. America has been a nation that acknowledged, reverenced, and honored God. Many leaders were not ashamed to honor God in our political bodies, in the nation’s schools in textbooks, in print media, in the churches, in the homes and in everyday living. We have gotten way off course in the relatively short time that we’ve been a nation. We have been off course before, and without question we are off course now. Our nation has been blessed. We are a land of plenty, rich in min- erals and natural resources, and with lots of farmland and produce. And we are blessed with freedoms that others in many parts of the world can only dream. It is likely that Abraham Lincoln came to recognize the significance of Psalm 33:12. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.” His Pres- idency guided the nation during some very tumultuous times as this nation was being ripped apart at the seams through a Civil War. The Civil War was the deadliest war in our nation’s history with some 620,000 deaths. That’s more deaths than the U.S. suffered in World War I, World War II, Viet Nam and Korea combined. Not only was there a physical battle going on, but there was very much a spiritual

battle facing the nation. Our nation was less than 100 years old as the Civil War ensued. On March 30, 1863 Abraham Lincoln included Psalm 33:12 in a Proclamation Appointing a National Day of Humili- ation, Fasting and Prayer. Lincoln wrote in part, “And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that gen- uine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all his- tory, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord. “And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like in- dividuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national refor- mation as a whole People? We have been the recipients of the choic- est bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these bless- ings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! “It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and for- giveness.” Can you image such a proclamation being issued today? On August 23, 1984, President Ronald Reagan spoke at a Dallas Prayer Breakfast saying, “Without God, there is no virtue, because

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Volume 25, Issue 3


Page 5

Perspectives Opinions • Commentary • Letters

From the Publisher...

Net Zero

By Rob Pue June 2024

been built, even as the Regime is pushing to make everything “electric,” so as to reduce our “carbon footprint.” So while we’ll need an enor- mous amount of additional electric power, they’re making it impossible for us to produce it. This is by design.

not based on thousands of scientists or even hundreds, but 75 out of only 77 scientists. Thus, the often repeated ‘97% consensus’ is based on only 75 anonymous scientists. Yet, on this basis, some say we should tax and elim- inate hydrocarbon use, severely restricting US job creation and economic growth.”

“Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by Globalist tyrants pushing the false narrative of a “Climate Change Crisis.” “Net Zero” is sup- posed to mean that by the year 2030, just six years from now, human beings will be putting

“zero” so-called “green- house gases” into the at- mosphere. Because according to the Globalist narrative, if we don’t drasti- cally act now, human be- ings will destroy the world with CO2. In 2015, the Paris Agree- ment was adopted at the UN Climate Change Confer- ence. It took effect on No- vember 4, 2016. Donald Trump took us out of the Paris Agreement when he took office; Biden signed us up again on his first day. This “Agreement” is a legally binding interna- tional treaty on climate change.

So, we’re now seeing the push to eliminate alto- gether the most abundant sources of energy we have: oil, natural gas and coal. We’re sinking untold tril- lions of dollars into things like solar and wind power, which have proven to be unreliable, extremely costly and inefficient. Not only is the Regime trying it’s best to phase out all in- ternal combustion vehicles in favor of electric vehicles, now they’re banning gas stoves and furnaces. In May, New York became the first state to ban gas-pow- ered stoves, furnaces and propane heating in all new

But let’s look for a minute at the idea of “cli- mate change.” It should be noted that the Earth has indeed warmed...but it has also cooled over the past 100 years. We see periods of above normal temperatures as well as peri- ods of below normal temperatures. Above nor- mal snowfall and below normal snowfall. These are cycles we go through, and honest scientists will tell you that there’s nothing to suggest that we’re facing catastrophic climate change any- time in the foreseeable future. What’s more, greenhouse gas emissions in the United States have actually fallen more than 25% over the past decade. Do you remember, a few years ago, when a team of “Climate Change Scien- tists” traveled to Antarctica to “prove” their claims of “global warming?” Their ship was trapped in the ice there for weeks. God defi- nitely has a great sense of humor. According to cfact.org, “the idea that there is a ‘scientific consensus’ does not hold up. Sci- entists who are skeptical about ‘dangerous manmade climate change’ have been speaking out for years. Even those who had been ‘alarmist’ about climate change for years are now admitting they do not know what the cli- mate is doing.” Cfact goes on to say, “The claim that ‘97% of scientists agree’ is based on 77 anonymous sci- entists who responded to an online survey. The survey started by seeking opinions from 10,257 scientists. However, the survey authors selec-

residential buildings across the state. The law requires all-electric heating and cooking in new buildings within two years. Last year, California ruled that by 2035, all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the state must be electric. The Globalists want everything electric, under the guise of mitigating “Climate Change.” But am I the only one that sees the absurdity of this? Apparently not. Even the most vigorous “virtue signalers” who support whatever the “latest thing” from the Regime may be, are com- ing to realize the utter stupidity of “The Plan.” This is, perhaps, best illustrated by the electric vehicles they’ve been so desperately pushing. There are so many problems with electric cars, I can’t begin to list them all. But propo- nents claim they’re absolutely squeeky clean. No carbon emissions or nasty greenhouse gases with these. Super healthy for our environment and saving the planet, which is facing immi- nent disaster from us “rednecks” who still drive gas-powered cars. Well, according to the International Energy Agency, an electric vehicle requires six times the mineral inputs of a comparable internal combustion engine. In addition, EV batteries are extremely big and heavy and are made with exotic, expensive, toxic and very flammable ma- terials. The primary metals in EV batteries include Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Copper and Rare Earth metals. The mining of these materials, their use in manufacturing and their ultimate dis- posal all present significant environmental challenges. Nearly 100% of traditional lead- acid batteries are recycled. But only 5% of the EV batteries are. Continued on Page 7

So, assuming it would be possible for all the nations of the earth to get to “Net Zero’ in the next six years, what will the result be? US en- ergy secretary Jennifer Granholm recently tes- tified before the Senate Energy Committee and dodged repeated questions on this, but basi- cally stated “not much.” Reputable scientists agree. First, it will be impossible to reach what they call “Net Zero,” and even if we did, it would have virtually NO EFFECT on the earth’s cli- mate. Even the UN’s Climate cabal has admit- ted the BEST we can hope for is less than a 1 degree rise in overall global temperatures. But how is this “Climate Change Crisis” — and the Globalists’ “Net Zero” plan affecting us? Well, going back to the years when Obama was officially “in office,” he instigated sweeping new EPA restrictions, affecting existing power plants and halting the expansion of new ones. He stated, at that time, that anyone interested in launching new coal plants would be free to do so, but he also vowed to make sure his new regulations would ensure that if they tried, they’d go bankrupt. It was at this same time that he admitted the new regulations would cause the price of energy in this country to “skyrocket.” Now, in his “third term,” with Biden acting as his proxy, energy independence for America is completely a thing of the past. Pipelines have been shut down, new power plants have not

t i v e l y whittled d o w n the re- sponses to just 77 scien- tists. So the 97% ‘consen- s u s ’ claim is

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Page 6


Volume 25, Issue 3

It’s Fidelity Month!

Wisconsin Family Connection

C OMMENTARY BY J ULAINE A PPLING President, Wisconsin Family Council

Strengthening, Preserving & Promoting Marriage, Family, Life and Liberty in Wisconsin

June 2024 The so-called Progressive Pride flag is flying over the Wis- consin state capitol. The Brewers are hosting Pride Night next week. Stores are flaunting “rainbow” pride merchandise. News channels are replete with stories on LGBTQ+ commu- nities and agendas. Pride parades and drag queen events will take place across the state. All this and more has become almost a trademark of the beautiful month of June. But take heart. Thanks to some brave pro-family, pro-free- dom leaders we have an alternative to celebrate. Last June, Princeton law professor Robert George launched Fidelity Month. On the Fidelity Month website, fidelitymonth.com, Mr. George, writes, “By the authority vested in me by absolutely no one, I have declared June to be “Fidelity Month”—a month dedicated to the importance of fidelity to God, spouses and fam- ilies, and our country and communities.” The dictionary tells us “fidelity” is “faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and sup- port.” Note that this is an idea that requires demonstration. It’s not just an abstract concept. Robert George and others supporting Fidelity Month recog- nize that America needs a call to faithfulness, to fidelity, to the things that have sustained us and that have enabled us to be a free and prosperous people. Those things are, in priority order, a belief in and faithfulness to God, a commitment to strong mar- riages and families — the very bedrock of every society, and a dedication to our country and communities. How do we as Christians demonstrate fidelity to each of these? We start by worshiping God, privately and corporately. We are involved with and faithfully attend Bible-believing and

community, state, or nation is going down the wrong path. We thank those who are doing the right thing and upholding our values. We do what we can to make sure the next gen- eration understands that patriotism isn’t wrong and that fi- delity to our hometown, home state, and home country isn’t jingoism. Fidelity Month offers us an opportunity to focus on good things rather than just despair over and despise what has been pushed so flagrantly in front of us in so many ways. Churches and families should plan to do even small things that show their fidelity to what is good and right. In my church this past Sunday, our pastor just calmly had everyone stand who has a June wedding anniversary. After the applause, he said, “I think June is a great time to recognize and celebrate God’s plan for marriage between one man and one woman.” I cheered my pastor. He was demonstrating fidelity to God and to marriage and family and was subtly pushing back against the “pride” idea. Many in the congregation probably did- n’t get all these connections, but what everyone saw and heard was the celebration of marriage and family done the way it’s supposed to be. That’s a powerful message, especially to the young people. Each of us can be part of Fidelity Month by sharing the idea with family and friends, posting information about it on social media, and by demonstrating in our own lives fidelity to God, to marriage and family, and to our country and community. Online: WiFamilyCouncil.org Tel: 888-378-7395

Bible-teaching churches. We have family devotions, making sure the next generation comes to know and love God and His Son Jesus Christ. We pray, faithfully and fervently, again, pri- vately and publicly. We actively trust God for all that we need, sending a powerful message to others who then see Him pro- vide. When it comes to marriage and family, Christians should have the strongest marriages in a society — assuming they have made the Lord the center of their marriage. But in any marriage, faithfulness is imperative. Fidelity to the vows that were ex- changed before God and witnesses on the wedding day. Faith- fulness in raising a family that honors and serves the Lord and others. Fidelity in marriage, even in the tough times, is a pow- erful example to the next generation, encouraging them to seek the same in their marriages. So how do we demonstrate fidelity to our country and com- munity? I think we start with being a good citizen. We vote in every election — and we do so knowledgeably and responsibly. We engage with our elected officials. We speak up when our

Strengthening, preserving and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty in Wisconsin. P.O. Box 2075 Madison, WI 53701

www.wifamilyaction.org • 888-378-7395 In Madison: (608) 256-3228

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Volume 25, Issue 3


Page 7

Net Zero (Continued from Page 5)

Moreover, the surface area dis- turbed by oil drilling is relatively small since the oil is extracted from under the ground. In contrast, the materials used to make EV batter- ies are obtained through open-pit horizontal mining, which is ex- tremely damaging to wide areas of the environment. This means massive deforestation, a dramatic loss of animal habitats; not to men- tion that the metals to make these EV batteries are available only from a handful of third-world coun- tries, where child and slave labor is commonplace.

erally burn for days, taking more than 50,000 gallons of water to try to put the fires out. Meanwhile, our federal govern- ment is funneling trillions into EV manufacturing. EV dealerships are giving huge rebates, but a typ- ical new Tesla will still cost you way more than a real car. Re- cently, I looked at used Teslas on- line, and vehicles just one year old with very few miles on them are going for 50% - 70% less than what they were purchased for just one year ago. Maybe the green

whole extent of what we, as human beings will get out of this demonic plan of the Globalists for the depopulation and tyrannical control of mankind. Through tax- ation, regulations, restrictions and shady backroom deals involving

dirty money, they will net trillions.... while we net ZERO. Email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com Phone: (715) 486-8066

And what, ultimately, is to be- come of a dead EV? Salvage yards don’t want them because they’re made of highly toxic mate- rials, the batteries cannot be recy- cled because they’re dangerous and toxic. So far, no one has an- swered the question on this. But one more point that must be made here: say you have an electric vehicle and you’re happy with it. You’re so pleased to be helping to “save the planet.” You only drive it to work and home again, plug it in at night and all is

fine. You do understand that the elec- tricity you charge your car with has to come from somewhere, right? That would be your local power

And EV ve- are loaded with problems. First, they have very hicles short ranges when driving. Some claim you can drive

400 miles on a single charge, but the reality is, even the best of the best have a hard time making 150- 200 miles. Once depleted, you can’t simply “fill up” again in five minutes. You have to charge your car anywhere from an hour to eight hours, or more, in order to drive another 150-200 miles. You may have seen the absurdity of the EV concept illustrated in online videos, where people travel with gas-pow- ered Honda generators, so they can re-charge their EVs just enough to make it to the next town where hopefully they can find a place to plug in. These new electric vehicles are also riddled with technical prob- lems. In one case, a car was stuck on the side of the highway, com- pletely out of power. When the owner got out to speak with a state trooper who stopped to assist, he made the mistake of closing his door. Once closed, and with the car battery dead, he had no way to get back inside. Thus, no way to put the car in neutral so it could be towed. And once towed, no way to open the charging port, because that, too, required electricity. Volk- swagen recently announced a major recall on one of their EVs because the electronic door latches can malfunction and the car doors will just open on their own while driving down the high- way. Another common issue with EVs is spontaneous combustion. The batteries overheat or explode, causing massive fires. And be- cause of the materials used in these batteries, these cars can lit-

“virtue signalers” learned a lesson.

station, which runs on natural gas, oil, coal or nuclear power. So after all this, you’re still using those “horrible” carbon-based commodities. And as the tyran- nical push continues for every- thing to be electric, we’ve simultaneously limited our en- ergy resources — on purpose — making electricity and energy in general much more expensive than it has to be. Many are getting filthy rich off this “Climate Change” scam, but consumers are being taken to the cleaners. Stop believing the lies. Also, bear in mind that we need CO2 — it’s what plants, crops and trees breathe, and it’s what human beings and animals ex- hale. It’s how God designed His creation to operate. You should know that WE (humans) are the “carbon” the Globalists want to eliminate. What does God say about all this? He made it clear in Genesis chapter 8. After the flood, the LORD said, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and win- ter, day and night will never cease.” That pretty much clears it up. Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night... we will have cycles in our climate, and these cycles are natural, normal and God-or- dained. And we will have these cycles for “as long as the earth endures.”

Cities across the nation are def- initely learning a hard lesson. Ac- cording to an article on msn.com, “Between the federal government, states and municipalities, untold billions in taxpayer dollars have been spent adding electric buses to transit fleets across the US in an effort to reduce carbon emis- sions...however, cities from coast to coast are grappling with broken- down e-buses that cannot be fixed, are too expensive to fix or they’ve scrapped their electric fleets alto- gether.” In cities like Asheville, North Car- olina, Denver, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Austin, Texas, Phoenix, and all throughout Cali- fornia, electric bus fleets are either mostly not running, or not running at all. Many of these bus manu- facturers have since gone bank- rupt, so when these buses break down (which is common) the cities can no longer obtain parts to repair them. Billions of dollars have been spent to go “Net Zero” — and now these buses are simply taking up space in parking lot graveyards. Insurance companies also charge significantly more to insure electric vehicles. My insurance man told me this is the case throughout the insurance industry, because once people discover they hate these cars, they can’t get rid of them without losing substan- tial amounts of money... so, many people deliberately wreck them to at least — hopefully — get their loans paid off.


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As for “Net Zero,” that’s the

Page 8


Volume 25, Issue 3

Update On the Situation With the Preborn In Wisconsin

By Pastor Matthew Trewhella June 2024 In January of this year, Robin Vos, Republican Speaker of the Assembly

longer in force. An absolute lie. It is still in force to this very day. When I testified against the murder, I was inter- rupted by a loud flaming pro-abort legislator who

were not going to uphold our state anti-abortion law 940.04 – the Affiliated deathcamp reopened on Tuesday, March 5th. We were there to speak up for the little ones. All of the deathcamps in Wisconsin have now reopened and are murdering the preborn.

– along with 39 Republi- can legislators intro- duced AB975 which declared you can murder

Innocent blood is a terrible thing for which the Scriptures are repeatedly clear – God judges nations. America is awash in innocent blood. When it comes to abortion we are talking about innocent blood being shed. We’re talk- ing about bloodguilt. Innocent blood beckons the just judg- ment of God upon nations. God will bring His judgment for all this shedding of innocent blood in America — and here in Wisconsin. It may not come on Friday, but it will come. Even Thomas Jefferson had to utter this fact when he said “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep

the preborn in Wisconsin up to 14 weeks. Understand — nearly 95% of all abortions committed in Wisconsin are done by 14 weeks. The bill was introduced on January 19th, and the public hearing was held three days later on January 22nd. Vos and the others in cahoots with him clearly did not want there to be time for anyone to organize and bring opposi- tion to the bill. They had a full a vote by the legislature on January 25th, pass- ing the measure. A total of 53 Republicans — led by Robin Vos — voted to murder 95% of the preborn.

yelled out loud because I kept referring to the killing of the preborn as “murder.” [Here is the url to listen to my testimony before the committee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1mTB- WwibTs ] Two Republican assemblymen — Chuck Wichgers and Janel Brandtjen — actually took time to come to the hearing to address their fellow Republicans and publicly oppose the bill. We give thanks to God for them. After the committee hearing on AB975, we talked with some of the Republican legislators. Two of them invoked their Christianity as a reason for supporting the bill to murder the preborn. One said he even sought the counsel of his pastor (he attends a Bible-believing church) – and said to his surprise that his pastor counseled him to vote for the AB975. Utter evil. Because of the weakness displayed by the Re- publicans and knowing the government officials

forever.” Here is a sermon I preached in January entitled: Blood in Wisconsin – 2024. The url is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=damfrliLqA0 &t=325s wherein I address AB975. I pray it is a blessing to your heart and mind. We must quit compromising with murder. As His peo- ple, we must uphold the law of God and not waver. Matthew Trewhella is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church ( MercySeat.net ), and the founder of Missionaries to the Preborn ( Mission- ariesToThePreborn.com ), and the author of the book “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Response to Tyranny and A Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government” ( Defy- Tyrants.com ). He and his wife Clara have 11 chil- dren and 35 grandchildren, and reside in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. LIVE Every TUESDAY at 5: 00 pm CENTRAL time; 6: 00 pm EASTERN

What irony that the Republicans — who told us they couldn’t defend the preborn for nearly 50 years because of Roe v. Wade — held their hearing on their bill to murder the preborn on the anniver- sary of Roe v. Wade — January 22nd. AB975 is meant to create a referendum so people can vote whether to murder the preborn or not. The Republicans hid behind the Supreme Court for nearly 50 years while they allowed the slaugh- ter of the preborn to continue. Now they want to hide behind the mob and have the people vote. Un- derstand, a majority of people should never be al- lowed to vote to murder another group of people. About 40 of us who oppose the murder of the preborn gathered at Room 417N in Wisconsin’s capitol building to speak against the AB975. We were given 3 minutes each. The pro-life legislators said awful things. They all falsely stated that Wis- consin’s anti-abortion statute 940.04 was no A Program that’s worth your time!

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Volume 25, Issue 3

Page 9

The Salt & Light Briga d e

Does Everybody Go To Heaven?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire June 2024

dees on their own appointment with death and the necessary preparations that we all need to consider. “What happens to us when we die? Is hell real and do individu- als actually go there? Do people really ‘rest in peace’ simply be- cause we say so? Will you see your loved ones there? Does EVERYBODY go to Heaven?” Those questions, and many more, flood the mind when faced with the permanent reality of a loved one “passing on.” Passing on to where? To what? In what form? COVID has popularized a new

Our family lost a brother last week. Our brother Dan passed into eternity at the age of 73. It was unexpected, something mil- lions of Americans have experi- enced over the past four years. Somehow, the death of a loved one makes death seem so… well…final. We all have an ap- pointment with death and the Bible teaches that “to- morrow is promised to no man…” If you permit, just a brief tribute to our brother. Dan was a unique guy in that he lived his entire life with one arm. He lost it at the age of 7 months when our family was broadsided by a drunk driver. Everyone survived (I was not born yet) but little “Danny” never knew a life with two arms. Our baby brother, Bill, wrote Dan’s obituary and permit me to quote from it. Dan did many things that would seem impossible for a one-armed man, including driving a semi-truck for Funnie-Frite Industries, climbing telephone poles to repair lines for United Telephone and operating an overhead crane at Kaiser. He also had a passion for cutting and splitting firewood using a chain saw that he had modified with an attachment that allowed him to use his “stub” to work as his missing hand. In his younger years, his athletic prowess did not go unnoticed, as he participated in three sports from little league through high school. He could play any position in baseball, but found most success on the mound or as catcher. Many batters feared facing him, as did many pitchers when he was at the plate. In football he was a receiver, a barefoot punter, and a respected tackler. He could hold his own on the basketball court as well, with superb defensive and rebounding skills. Dan was a 1968 graduate of Lake- wood High School. He enjoyed hunting, many big bucks crossed his path when it was too late for them and ended up hanging on his wall. Rabbits and pheasants did not flush quick enough, only to become delicious meals prepared in a cast iron skillet. A legendary fisherman who could not only bait his hook, but could remove his catch with ease. Although his drives on the golf course weren’t legendary, his putting skills were top notch. Dan was a skilled poker player, although shuffling the cards proved to be a challenge, he usu- ally left the game with more than he came with. Try any of these activities with one arm and you will ap- preciate how difficult the things most people take for granted were for him. He was a remarkable guy. He will be missed. Rest in peace, Dan! This Saturday I will be officiating his Memorial service. Death is so unforgiving, irresistible, but a reality that we will all have to face. I have the chal- lenge of memorializing my brother in a way that is honoring, while at the same time focusing the atten-

LORD’ shall enter the Kingdom.” It is AVAILABLE to all…but not APPLICABLE to all. An individual must CHOOSE to be “saved.” After that, righteousness is IMPUTED by God. You do not EARN salvation…we are DECLARED Righteous…imputed…stamped… saved…by our Savior… Saved from what? The JUST penalty for the viola- tion of GOD’S LAW. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life! Eternal Death or Eter- nal LIFE! We will all stand before the Judge and we will ALL be found guilty! Death is the price (fine) that will have to be paid. Did you know God keeps the books? “And whoso- ever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” Is your name written in the Book of Life? Have you received Christ as your Sav- ior? What have you done with HIS sacrifice? You can pay your own bill…or you can have Jesus pick up the tab. Your choice. You sinned…somebody must die. It is called JUSTICE. But God is merciful. Mercy fol- lows Justice.

phrase… “DIED SUDDENLY” …as if that was nor- mal. We expect “sick” people to die…but healthy ones…not so much. Millions of Americans have ex- perienced the shock of losing a loved one unexpect- edly over the past few years. I fear more to come. Do not get me started on that one… So let me get to the point. From my understanding of the Bible, EVERYONE is going to Heaven…but not everyone is going to STAY in HEAVEN. The Book of Revelation describes the Great White Throne Judge- ment when we will all stand before God and give an account of our lives. EVERYONE will stand before God. “All have sinned” the Bible teaches, so we will all be found guilty before the Judge. There are “NONE RIGHTEOUS…NO NOT ONE!” The verdict from the JUST JUDGE will be GUILTY. Death will be the sen- tence that He will pronounce because “the wages of sin is death.” Death is the penalty we pay for sin. You sin…you die. Except — God, in His mercy, made other plans. He sent His Son as a substitutionary sacrifice to die in our place. ALL have sinned…Christ died for all. But the sacrifice must be applied individually. Christ died… paid the fine…not for EVERYONE…but for WHOSOEVER. It is a choice. Sort of like getting on the reservation list at a great banquet. All are in- vited, but you must get your name on the reservation list for Christ to pick up your sin tab.

What will you do with Jesus? RUN in peace Brother Dan!

Web: www.CoachDaveLive.com E-Mail: Coach@CoachDaveLive.com

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and nar- row is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” The Bible also tells us that it is an exclusive list… “not everyone who says unto Me ‘LORD,


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