WCN Special Summer Edition 2024

Volume 25, Issue 3

WisconsinChristianNews.com Hand Of God

Page 27

By Jim LeBeau, Certified Natural Health Practitioner June 2024 This very minute the hand of God is at work in your blood so your brain works right (or not) depending on what you ate and drank the last 48 hours. Brain and nerve cells de- pend on blood sugar to work right but don’t store it. They depend on your blood sugar minute by minute. How’s your sugars? This very minute God’s hand is at work with en- zymes that depend on how well you chewed your last meal and on a near perfect pH of di- gestive juices to break down nutrients (or not). What’s not broken down feeds microbes further down that make poisons to weaken your heart such as botulin, ammonia etc. How’s your digestion? This very minute God’s hand is at work with oxygen and glu- cose in your 40 trillion cells to give you “good energy” that depends on good food that de- pends on pH and digestion and other body systems to keep you well all the way to the end of a ripe old age (or not). The hand of God works day and night with oxygen, enzymes, pH, energy, body systems, and trillions of details to keep you going well. Jesus saw the hand of God everywhere: “the hairs on your head are all numbered — not a sparrow falls without your Father — behold the birds of the air, your heavenly Father feeds them...” Some see the hand of God all over, including chemistry of food and body. Others see the hand of God in nothing. To stay well in old age, see God’s hand in your numbers for blood sugar, pH, digestion, and other body systems that run the show. It’s called nutrition for life. It will prepare you for that certain day when health matters more than wealth. We have choices. We can side with Jesus on the healthy side of life or side with the dark side that messes life up in various ways — or

soul. For the body real food is food as God and Jesus made it (John 1:3). For the soul real food is the words of Jesus John 6:63. Put these two together and you can be whole. “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). Meanwhile beware the traps. He said “watch.” One is set by Big Pharma that fails to recognize the powers of creation to heal anything — bad for business. Trust white coats in labs, not God, who tell you, “There is no relationship between diet and disease. Only a drug can treat disease.” Other traps are set by big chemical, baby food, big agri- culture, big government, etc. What does God know? Every life is precious. The hand of God is in every detail from mother’s milk to the “milk of the Word” this very minute. True light over- comes darkness. “Feed My lambs, Feed My sheep.” A Nutrition-for-life kit will help you get it to- gether for “thyself” as well as for America’s health. The healthier you are, the better you can serve God, country, family, and all little ones. Spread the word. Download this article from the WCN website. Make copies, share freely. God gave each of us but one life to fol- low Jesus (or not). This article is for educational and inspira- tional purposes only. Comments? Send to Jim at lebeaultj@aol.com with “nutrition” in subject box. Info on kits at: www.phpower.org

we can watch and do nothing. Some make the sick. Some take the sick. Some are on the way to being sick. Some are sick. Some preach Jesus but ignore the suffering caused by heart failure, diabetes, addictions, mental disorders, Alzheimers, autism, acidity, junk foods etc. Jesus said, “Blessed are the mer- ciful.” Teaching how the hand of God works for health of both body and soul is merciful indeed. The pathway to wholeness begins with “thy- self” following Him. The servant is not above the Master. If you want to help others to wholeness, honoring a commandment to “heal the sick,” you must first be whole. This means to educate thyself. “With all thy get- ting, get thee understanding.” When we throw key body functions and chemistry off balance by chance, ignorance, or neglect, personally or nationally, brains, minds, and behaviors follow. Fruits always follow seeds. Some fruits sneak up on us, even the “experts.” Mass killings and an ongoing epidemic of mental disorders in America are examples. A baby denied its mother’s milk and love may grow

up mad at the world and females with no idea why. Here’s why. “Let them cry it out — it’s good for their lungs” — pass the baby shots and junk food. Later the same baby is a serial killer preying on women with no idea why, or a mixed up teenager deranged by psychiatric drugs, shooting first graders at Sandy Hook. Soon mass killings every day begin to feel normal. Mess up babies and kids — mess up lives — mess up America. It’s all connected, but who cares? If we care, we choose the Jesus way with a goal of kindness to little ones and perfect health of body, mind, and soul for big ones. “And of His fullness have we all received, and grace for grace.” A basic requirement for such a wonder is real food for both body and



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