WCN Special Summer Edition 2024

Page 34


Volume 25, Issue 3

Why Did God Create Dads?

By Carey Kinsolving June 2024

“God made daddies so they could be brave, grateful and like Jesus,” says Alaura, 7. Jesus had to be brave when He obeyed His Father and allowed the soldiers to arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prayed, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42). A few minutes later Jesus dis- played courage by telling the soldiers, “If you seek Me, let these go their way.” (John 18:8). Throughout His life, Jesus gave thanks to His Father. There are times when every dad has to make tough decisions. A dad who is grateful to God will find the courage to make the right

“God created dads so they could wrestle with their daughters or their sons or wife,” says Kaitlin, 8. You’ve got to be tough to live in Kaitlin’s house. Yes, God created dads to wrestle, but also “to hug on,” says Taylor, 7. “Sometimes dads like to show off, but the rest of the time, they’re playful,” says Kristen, 8. “They’re all big kids, and they always will be. Most of the time, they just want to be loved. You can tell they love you.” Kristen, I’m glad your dad knows how to have fun, but you can bet he’s more mature than you think.

to the man. But, of course, in the life of a family, there are many times when dads help moms. The Bible also says, the dad is supposed to provide for his family. Kayla, 12, agrees: “Without dad who would support the family? Who would go to work, cut the grass and do all the hard work?” And when there are problems, “Dad will help you up when you fall. If you are bleeding, he will take care of it,” says Es- ther, 8. Whether you fall on the playground or in life, a good dad is always there to pick you up, bandage the wounds and send you on your way. “God created dads to help people build things for God and to have faith in God,” says Alex, 8. The greatest thing a dad can build is not a house, stock portfolio or business empire, but a relationship with God in the lives of his children.

ones. Even dogs like godly dads, says Rebecca, 9: “Dad works so hard every day for my family, and he loves us all. He even loves my dog. And believe me, my dog loves him, too! We all love him, and he loves us and believes in Jesus.” Point to ponder: Bless your father as your heavenly Fa- ther has blessed you. Scripture to remember: “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise child will delight in him.” (Proverbs 23:24). Question to consider: Is your father rejoicing and delight- ing in you? KidsTalkAboutGod.org

Dads are a pushover, says Elizabeth, 9: “I think God cre- ated dads so they can fall for your little face. Also, they can buy you anything you want when you say ‘please daddy.’ They always fall for that!” Lauren, 10, adds: “God created dads to tell you ‘yes’ when your mom says ‘no.’” Well, a daughter’s plea and face can be irresistible, but a father who loves his daughter will say “no” sometimes. If it wasn’t for dads, most moms would never go camping and fishing, says Adrienne, 10: “Moms wouldn’t dare go with- out electricity, bait a hook or touch a dead fish.” Actually, “God made daddies so that they can help mom- mies,” says Manasi, 7. “When mommies have babies, dad can help name them.” Actually, the Bible says woman was created to be a help

Canada’s Bold Leap Into Absurdity

By David T. Cloft, American Free News Network June 2024 In an epic saga worthy of a dystopian novel, Canada is fast- tracking its transformation into a woke utopia. The government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau-Castro, has already shown its hand during the infa- mous trucker strike, proving it has no qualms about going full authoritarian, freezing bank ac- counts, and ruining lives with the finesse of a bull in a china shop. Now, in its latest act of lu- nacy, the Canadian government is targeting parents who dare to question the wisdom of having their children’s reproductive or- gans surgically mutilated. Those who dissent are now branded as violent domestic extremists, and the country’s very own internal Stasi is ready to pounce. The trucker strike was the ca- nary in the coal mine. When cit- izens took to the streets in protest, hoping to exercise their basic right to peaceful assembly, the Trudeau-Castro administra- tion responded with all the sub- tlety of a wrecking ball. Bank accounts were frozen, livelihoods were destroyed, and the message was clear: dissent would not be tolerated. If you thought that was the peak of governmental overreach, brace yourself for the next chapter in this farce.

says progress like stretching a

thought police is tasked with en- suring that no unapproved opin- ions slip through the cracks. Parents worried about medical interventions? Extremists. Citi- zens demanding their basic rights? Terrorists. It’s a bureau- cratic masterpiece, turning Canada into a nation where ex- pressing concern for your child’s well-being is as good as signing up for a surveillance watchlist. So, welcome to Canada 2.0, where wokeness reigns supreme and common sense took an early retirement. Trudeau-Castro and his merry band of regulators are leading the charge into this brave new world, one in which government overreach is the new normal, dissent is criminalized, and Pride Month has been super-sized. It’s a spectacle that would be comical if it weren’t so frighteningly real.

Fast forward to today, where the government’s focus has shifted to parents who are un- easy about their children under- going irreversible unnecessary medical mutilation. These con- cerned citizens, who foolishly be- lieve they should have a say in their children’s medical deci- sions, are now being cast as vil- lains. Question the narrative, and you’re swiftly labeled a vio- lent domestic extremist. Adding insult to injury, Trudeau-Castro has decreed that Pride Month just isn’t long enough to celebrate the govern- ment’s newfound zeal for woke- ness. A single month? Please. Now, it’s officially Pride Season. That’s right, three glorious months of rainbow flags and virtue signaling, because nothing

celebration quarter of the year long. It’s the governmental equivalent of a participation tro- phy — everyone gets to feel spe- cial, just for showing up. And then there’s the internal Stasi, or whatever they’re calling it these days. This modern-day

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