WCN Special Summer Edition 2024

Page 40


Volume 25, Issue 3

Wise, Intentional Lea d ership Development What WILD Is All About

By Mike Prom J une 2024

sin as they compete. Businesses and special donors sponsor the race. Additionally, three weekends during the year, WILD volunteers assist WILD staff in parking/directing traffic at the two Crandon Brush Run week- ends and Cranberry Fest in Eagle River. Written for primarily high schoolers

ment is now completed and available to teach how to work as a team and dynamics that face teams. Specialized leadership training in- cludes an eight-sessions on Founda- tions of Spiritual Leadership and a Spiritual Gifts seminar. These train- ing courses involve a suggested cost per person.

½ elective graduating credit with the prerequisites of having taken the Leadership Development class and available to Juniors and Seniors. In the spirit of discipleship and fo- cused development, WILD stresses the Multiplication Strategy and the 2 Timothy 2:2 principle of teaching the ne x t generation. This strategy was used for the first time in 2007 in Zambia. In the weeklong training of the Foundations of Spiritual Lead- ership, most of the dozen Zambians who attended the 2007 training are Zambia’s WILD’s key leadership and trainers today. In the past 18 months, all the WILD countries have had their Na- tional teams take this Multiplication Strategy and many of the countries now regularly offer this training. Many more Christians are now in- volved in discipleship as a result. For more information, check out WILD’s website, www.wildleader- ship.org. WILD: Wise Intentional Leadership Developoment Intentionally Developing Multi-Gener- ational Leaders Throughout The World Mike Prom International Director P.O. Bo x 502 Rhinelander, WI., 54501 715-367-9453

Wise Intentional Leadership Devel- opment is a Christ-centered, interde- nominational, international organization which e x ists to effec- tively implement Biblical leadership principles to leaders of all ages in an intentional and strategic manner. Based in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, frequent questions asked include where does and how does WILD minister. Countries WILD has an estab- lished ministry team presence in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote’ D’Ivoire, Togo, Benin, India, and Nepal. WILD has a developing presence in Tanzania, Ghana, South Sudan and Honduras. Behind the scenes is a significant army of warriors who pray, contribute financially and volunteer. WILD could not survive without the gra- cious aid of about 50 volunteers who immensely help make WILD events function smoothly. National teams are established in the 20 WILD countries. They over- see the WILD training that goes on in their countries through their planning as they teach the WILD materials of- fered to them for little or no cost. For ten years WILD has hosted the WILD Hodag Mini-Triathlon the 4th Saturday in August. Participants enjoy the beauty of Northern Wiscon-

through adults, WILD has developed teaching and training material for use throughout the world. Foundations of Spiritual Leadership – Understanding how and what God looks for in lead- ers who desire to represent Him in a person’s area of influence. A video series accompanies the written ma- terial. WILD offers Worldview Under- standing as the material looks at ten disciplines to include theology, psy- chology, law, politics and family. Bible character studies offer leader- ship studies on people that includes Barnabas, Paul, Titus, John the Bap- tist, Ruth, Rahab, Mary and Priscilla. A new curriculum on Team Develop-

WILD has developed a public- school friendly curriculum based off the WILD Foundations of Spiritual Leadership material. Currently, Rhinelander High School has offered this class for the past five years. Three Lakes, Adams-Friendship, Prentice and Elcho school districts also offer the class. Several other districts are considering adding this class. Schools offer the semester class for ½ elective graduating credit. Additionally, with the new Team De- velopment material, WILD has pro- duced a public-school friendly curriculum which will be auditioned in the 2024-2025 Rhinelander school year. The semester long class is for


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