WCN Special Summer Edition 2024

Volume 25, Issue 3


Page 7

Net Zero (Continued from Page 5)

Moreover, the surface area dis- turbed by oil drilling is relatively small since the oil is extracted from under the ground. In contrast, the materials used to make EV batter- ies are obtained through open-pit horizontal mining, which is ex- tremely damaging to wide areas of the environment. This means massive deforestation, a dramatic loss of animal habitats; not to men- tion that the metals to make these EV batteries are available only from a handful of third-world coun- tries, where child and slave labor is commonplace.

erally burn for days, taking more than 50,000 gallons of water to try to put the fires out. Meanwhile, our federal govern- ment is funneling trillions into EV manufacturing. EV dealerships are giving huge rebates, but a typ- ical new Tesla will still cost you way more than a real car. Re- cently, I looked at used Teslas on- line, and vehicles just one year old with very few miles on them are going for 50% - 70% less than what they were purchased for just one year ago. Maybe the green

whole extent of what we, as human beings will get out of this demonic plan of the Globalists for the depopulation and tyrannical control of mankind. Through tax- ation, regulations, restrictions and shady backroom deals involving

dirty money, they will net trillions.... while we net ZERO. Email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com Phone: (715) 486-8066

And what, ultimately, is to be- come of a dead EV? Salvage yards don’t want them because they’re made of highly toxic mate- rials, the batteries cannot be recy- cled because they’re dangerous and toxic. So far, no one has an- swered the question on this. But one more point that must be made here: say you have an electric vehicle and you’re happy with it. You’re so pleased to be helping to “save the planet.” You only drive it to work and home again, plug it in at night and all is

fine. You do understand that the elec- tricity you charge your car with has to come from somewhere, right? That would be your local power

And EV ve- are loaded with problems. First, they have very hicles short ranges when driving. Some claim you can drive

400 miles on a single charge, but the reality is, even the best of the best have a hard time making 150- 200 miles. Once depleted, you can’t simply “fill up” again in five minutes. You have to charge your car anywhere from an hour to eight hours, or more, in order to drive another 150-200 miles. You may have seen the absurdity of the EV concept illustrated in online videos, where people travel with gas-pow- ered Honda generators, so they can re-charge their EVs just enough to make it to the next town where hopefully they can find a place to plug in. These new electric vehicles are also riddled with technical prob- lems. In one case, a car was stuck on the side of the highway, com- pletely out of power. When the owner got out to speak with a state trooper who stopped to assist, he made the mistake of closing his door. Once closed, and with the car battery dead, he had no way to get back inside. Thus, no way to put the car in neutral so it could be towed. And once towed, no way to open the charging port, because that, too, required electricity. Volk- swagen recently announced a major recall on one of their EVs because the electronic door latches can malfunction and the car doors will just open on their own while driving down the high- way. Another common issue with EVs is spontaneous combustion. The batteries overheat or explode, causing massive fires. And be- cause of the materials used in these batteries, these cars can lit-

“virtue signalers” learned a lesson.

station, which runs on natural gas, oil, coal or nuclear power. So after all this, you’re still using those “horrible” carbon-based commodities. And as the tyran- nical push continues for every- thing to be electric, we’ve simultaneously limited our en- ergy resources — on purpose — making electricity and energy in general much more expensive than it has to be. Many are getting filthy rich off this “Climate Change” scam, but consumers are being taken to the cleaners. Stop believing the lies. Also, bear in mind that we need CO2 — it’s what plants, crops and trees breathe, and it’s what human beings and animals ex- hale. It’s how God designed His creation to operate. You should know that WE (humans) are the “carbon” the Globalists want to eliminate. What does God say about all this? He made it clear in Genesis chapter 8. After the flood, the LORD said, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and win- ter, day and night will never cease.” That pretty much clears it up. Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night... we will have cycles in our climate, and these cycles are natural, normal and God-or- dained. And we will have these cycles for “as long as the earth endures.”

Cities across the nation are def- initely learning a hard lesson. Ac- cording to an article on msn.com, “Between the federal government, states and municipalities, untold billions in taxpayer dollars have been spent adding electric buses to transit fleets across the US in an effort to reduce carbon emis- sions...however, cities from coast to coast are grappling with broken- down e-buses that cannot be fixed, are too expensive to fix or they’ve scrapped their electric fleets alto- gether.” In cities like Asheville, North Car- olina, Denver, Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, Austin, Texas, Phoenix, and all throughout Cali- fornia, electric bus fleets are either mostly not running, or not running at all. Many of these bus manu- facturers have since gone bank- rupt, so when these buses break down (which is common) the cities can no longer obtain parts to repair them. Billions of dollars have been spent to go “Net Zero” — and now these buses are simply taking up space in parking lot graveyards. Insurance companies also charge significantly more to insure electric vehicles. My insurance man told me this is the case throughout the insurance industry, because once people discover they hate these cars, they can’t get rid of them without losing substan- tial amounts of money... so, many people deliberately wreck them to at least — hopefully — get their loans paid off.


345 Main Street P.O. Bo x 190 Wild Rose, WI 54984 (920) 622-3312 TomLauritzen@yahoo.com HuntWildRose.com

We will also take your gun on trade!

As for “Net Zero,” that’s the

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