5 Habits Of Agents With High-Volume Digital Sales

Habit No. 1

They generate positive friction

A life insurance sale is only a piece of a bigger relationship with your client, one in which the goal isn’t just coverage.

“Each and every transaction should build trust.” - Nichole Myers, Ethos’ chief underwriter

Traditionally, the lengthy underwriting process meant you had to talk to clients all the time. That presented numerous opportunities for interaction and trust-building—even as it generated negative friction. Paradoxically, it also increased the perceived value of an approved life insurance policy.

The digital insurance evolution means agents should now focus on building what’s called positive friction. In other words, today agents must interact with clients in ways that are both pleasurable and helpful.

This can be a challenge with life insurance because discomfort with end-of-life discussions remains an issue for 40% of those surveyed in LIMRA’s 2022 Insurance Barometer Study. But with 100% digital sales, agents no longer need to press clients about exams and specific health issues. Instead, they can discuss life scenarios that focus on health, longevity, and financial stability, which the study suggests can be particularly effective with younger consumers.

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