5 Habits Of Agents With High-Volume Digital Sales

Habit No. 2

They make decisions easy and pressure-free

Great salespeople minimize hoops for clients, and digital life insurance platforms make it easy for clients to act on their own timetable. “Let’s say 100 people that want life insurance are about to sign up,” explains Chris Young, an independent agent who sells Ethos. “If there’s one additional step past that first conversation, only 50% will convert. If there’s another, it’s like 10%.” Nearly half (48%) of consumers would prefer to buy life insurance through a simplified underwriting process, according to LIMRA’s 2021 Insurance Barometer Study. Those same consumers are increasingly comfortable buying online. Preference for shopping for insurance online has increased 29% since 2016, according to LIMRA’s 2022 Insurance Barometer Study.

Creating a “low pressure” situation

Working with a digital sales platform, successful agents can support their clients on the clients’ timeline—without hounding or annoying them.

“Clients like the low-pressure situation. They don’t have to make a decision on the spot.” - Chris Young

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