5 Habits Of Agents With High-Volume Digital Sales

Habit No. 3

They use social media to connect

Agents with high-volume digital sales know that social media can help them target niche audiences. Most Americans (72%) have a profile on at least one platform. If you’re not targeting prospective clients on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, you’re missing a vast opportunity.

Reaching women is more important than ever

For the sixth consecutive year, LIMRA research shows the percentage of uninsured women continues to increase. Respondents believe it’s too expensive (39%), have other financial priorities (37%), or aren’t sure how much or what type to buy (22%). Social media can be a great way to share the facts about life insurance with women in your network.

Unconventional methods can work well on these platforms.

Alex Labrinos, a high-producing agent and martial arts fan based in New Jersey, seeks “niches we’re familiar with. I just made a commercial that’s going to be targeting an audience that’s into martial arts, UFC videos, self-defense videos, stuff like that.”

“I use my cats for funny memes,” says one high-producing agent in his 20s. “Like I’ll have a scenario where such and such happens and my cat can’t believe you don’t have insurance.”

It works because many consumers—be they cat video or mixed martial arts fans—also use social media as a source of financial information, according to LIMRA’s 2022 Insurance Barometer Study: Facebook was the most commonly mentioned platform for financial information in 2022. Its share of those who use social media for financial purposes increased from 5 3% in 20 1 9 to 64 % today .

YouTube moved from a 32% share in 20 1 9 to a 58 % share in 2022 .

Instagram , Twitter , and TikTok (which weren’t even on the survey three years ago) now hold audience shares of 3 8 %, 29%, and 23%, respectively.

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