5 Habits Of Agents With High-Volume Digital Sales

Habit No. 5

They cast a wider net for potential clients

Digital sales mean an agent is no longer constrained by geography.

Today, agents can reach out to anyone in the state they’re licensed in via social and online ads, emails, and video calls.

Today’s online life insurance providers eliminate medical exams, wait time, and agent case work. And at Ethos, we’re also able to approve about 95% of applicants. These factors can change the economics of the game for life agents, freeing up time to actually help more people in need—such as the vast, underinsured middle market. “It’s enabled me to kind of branch out to more over Zoom, Skype, and phone calls. You couldn't do that before,” says Young, who’s based in New York City but licensed in 20 states. “It really has led me to re-envision my future in this field.” LIMRA’s 2022 Life Insurance Barometer Study found that 45% of respondents earning $35,000 to $99,000 per year say they need life insurance. That’s a potential market of 48 million consumers. Combined with mass-affluent and high-income people, about 79 million American adults are uninsured today—approximately 30% of the adult population in 2020. “In the next two to five years, I think most of my sales should come from Ethos,” says agent Patrick T. “It's the most efficient platform I've seen. I’m at a point where I don't even want to entertain other companies.”

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