2022 OPA Spring Green Sward

From the Parks Bench

Creating your Legacy

There is no doubt that we will never get it perfectly right every time and that is okay because it is how we deal with adversity and the unknown that moulds the components of our own

I recently attended the funeral of a very long time OPA and OPA foundation member whose legacy is something that has inspired me. Vic Hergott, taken from us far too soon set an example which all of us can benefit from. As a young man I have no doubt that Vic had many aspirations as he went through his life’s journey. He loved sports, people, nature and became a strong and credible leader.

legacy. Sharing some of Vic’s traits have helped me understand where I’m at now and where I want to go. Some of those traits are as follows. Honesty, Vic would always have a strong opinion about things however they were well thought out and never harsh or demeaning to anyone. It most definitely is a skill to be able to maintain your stance or position and to do it honestly. The biggest thing I learned from Vic was to be honest with myself and not fool myself into thinking things beyond my capacity or ability to accomplish. This is a trait that will serve all of us well to be remembered as an honest person even when the temptation may be to bend the truth to our liking. Integrity was another of Vic’s traits that stood the test of time. He was dependable and went about his business with passion and respect for those he had dealings with. When Vic went into a room he had a presence that was confirmed in the way he spoke and conducted himself. This is a major component of building a solid legacy because without it pretty much everything else doesn’t matter. Humor, Vic used humor to do so many things. To soften a hard nosed crowd or situation or to make a stranger or new acquaintance feel comfortable. I believe he also used it to keep his sanity during very difficult and trying times whether it was dealing with councillors, constituents, staff or member of the public. Although it may not be easy for all of us to find humor in certain situations it certainly is something that is well worth practicing and trying to incorporate into your own communication style. Respect, Vic treated every single person with empathy and respect. He would listen and carefully .../15

As I reflected on Vic’s career as I knew it, and also as I listened to the many stories that were shared about his life, it made me think of my own life and what people may say about me when I pass on to that Park in the sky. The more I thought about it I couldn’t help but feel that there were many lessons that could be taken from Vic’s time here with us. Every one of us has goals and desires of how our lives and careers are going to go, or at least how we wish them to go. Very often things do not go the way we thought they would. It is then that we can truly start to develop what will ultimately be our own story or legacy. Those of us who have chosen a career in Parks know the many positive and satisfying experiences that we are having and will continue to have. We also are well aware of the challenges that we have and are about to face as we build towards our own legacy. The decisions we make at these times are crucial to how our lives will play out and we hope that we will make smart and well thought out decisions.

The Green Sward - Spring 2022

Page 14

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