2022 OPA Spring Green Sward

New Report Shows Access to Large Parks is Not Equal ( continued from page 25 )

About Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition (GIO) The GIO Coalition is a collaborative alliance of organizations that share a common vision for a healthy, green Ontario where the economic, social, environmental, and health benefits of green infrastructure are fully realized. GIO’s mission is to bring together organizations together organizations, community groups, businesses and local governments to share information and collaborate for improved green infrastructure policies and programs across the province. For more information, visit greeninfrastructureontario.org.

decisions with a focus on how to increase equitable access to the parks network. Given the increasing challenges in securing large tracts of land in this region due to both land scarcity and high costs, even if the park supply is significantly increased there will likely still be regions and populations that are underserved. Therefore, consideration should be given to how to reduce barriers and improve access to new and existing parks to ensure that all residents can enjoy access to these large parks and all the benefits that they provide. The full report will be published in late March and will be available at https:// greeninfrastructureontario.org/gio-and-partner- resources/ * Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used to estimate the density of green on an area of land. This index can identify the differences between water, pavement, grasslands/fields, and dense forested lands. NDVI average of parklands provided a general understanding of groundcover and could eliminate areas which do not provide significant ecological services or access to nature. Low NDVI values (-1-0.3) allowed the project team to identify and eliminate sports fields, independent paved parking lots, and agricultural lands. These areas were removed from the study boundaries manually with careful consideration of the project intent.

Jennifer Court is GIO’s Executive Director.

About the Greenbelt Foundation Greenbelt Foundation is a charitable

organization, solely dedicated to ensuring the Greenbelt remains permanent, protected, and prosperous. We make the right investments in its interconnected natural, agricultural, and economic systems, to ensure a working, thriving Greenbelt for all. Ontario’s Greenbelt is the world’s largest, with over two million acres of farmland, forests, wetlands, and rivers working together to provide clean air, fresh water, and a reliable local food source. For more information, visit https://www.greenbelt.ca/

Thomas Bowers is Greenbelt Foundation’s Director of Research and Policy.

rickw@ure-techsurfaces.com www.ure-techsurfaces.com

The Green Sward - Spring 2022

Page 26

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