Ignite Magazine-July-2024

ignite 35

The initial brief involved supplying and installing equipment for the nine restaurants and three bars situated within The OWO. During the construction process, elements of important historical significance became apparent and given their historical significance, Vision had to accommodate major alterations to the design. Given the project’s extensive scope and the numerous areas within the building, the needs of contractors continually evolved in response to

emerging challenges. It was essential that we maintained

diligent site management from day one, ensuring the procurement and installation of equipment to meet stringent standards. Numerous adjustments to designs and site layouts were made to accommodate the preferences and instructions of different main contractor floor managers. With a duration spanning over two years, significant time and effort were dedicated to the project, involving multiple revisions before final approval. Despite facing various challenges, the project’s ultimate success not only preserves but also perpetuates the legacy of the building, whilst offering a diverse array of dining options for visitors.

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