Ignite Magazine-July-2024

ignite 9

At the heart of the brief from both the maintenance manager and Head Chef was “the space is the space” we need a cook suite that delivers on all levels, this must include: Ease of use, maintenance & cleaning and energy efficiency. All electric, there’s no gas in the Witchery. Improved refrigeration. Space on the top of the suite to safely stand a small fryer. Create stations on the new suite that would deliver for each section for the ‘hot sections’. The suite must fit under the existing canopy. A bespoke suite that had the flexibility that’s required for an all day operation, from breakfast through lunch to dinner service. In short, in the same space as their current cook suite create a new suite that was better in all regards and that could be installed in minimal time through a very restrictive access route, whilst the business continued elsewhere at the Witchery. All within a very tight turn around. CNG were able to use the existing space, change one adjacent bench as well as the cook suite and make a massive improvement that will last for over 25 years.

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