Tia Boyd Magazine

This reliably structured roadmap quickly became even more necessary when our world changed in 2020. Ms. Watlington and PH rapidly partnered with the Baltimore City Health Department and hosted a clinic for all Baltimore residents in general, and all PH residents in particular. The results? A 100% vaccination rate for all her PH resident family! This is a national success story of discipline, dedication and community cooperation we can all aspire to achieve. Her daily, hands-on work as a certified med technician—her most recent academic achievement— certainly provides invaluable guidance for all her residents and her devotion to establishing proper nutritional values is equally invaluable. And yes, grocery shopping is on her personal and lengthy list of family services. When asked about the future vision of her Pleasant Housing work. Ms. Watlington shared- “We’ll continue to grow, continue to give back and hopefully create a more healthy and stable community as we continue to provide wraparound services. I’m so grateful.” So are we. Because everyone deserves a home.


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